A/N: Have I shown you guys my Catana?? ^^
A Little While Later
When the others arrived at the Tozier Household, Richie had moved and was now sprawled across Eddie's lap still peacefully sleeping. The smaller teen had his hand in Richie's unruly curls. His fingers twisted around the soft espresso tufts and his nails lightly scratched his scalp. Richie had his hand clenched around the hem of the red short shorts that adorned Eddie's legs. He had to make sure Eddie was there. When the Germaphobe heard a knock on the front door, the smaller teen slowly wiggled around Richie and settled him back on the couch. Richie just whines and rolls over, shoving his face in a couch cushion while he hugged a second one to his chest. Eddie shook his head at Richie's antics and went to answer the door.
"What's u-" To say Eddie was very shocked and quickly became scared at the sight in front of him would be an understatement. His friends stood at the door, and Laycey stood off to the side of Richie's front porch staring intensely at Eddie. He was full on terrified at the sight of the soulmate of the people who made his and his friends lives a living hell.
Laycey saw him tense up at the sight of her and she found it amusing. But the blonde chose not to egg him on, she just smirked and casually leaned on a pole on the front porch, "'Sup Edward."
Eddie cleared his throat and thoughts. "H-Hey Laycey." He squeaked out nervously. Laycey smirks and gives him a sarcastic wink.
"So, how was Beverly's? Why'd you call us?" he asked quickly, turning his attention to the other four. He didn't want to talk to Laycey anymore than necessary.
"We all need to talk. But that can wait. First, is Richie ok? Ben told us you said he wasn't ok, that something was wrong with him." Beverly said halfway ignoring his questions. Eddie grimaced as his mind went back to this morning. He looked behind him to see Richie sleeping on the couch peacefully.
"It was bad this morning. It sounded like someone was stabbing him, but when I got to his room, he was thrashing around, dead asleep. He was having a nightmare. I tried to shake him awake but it was like he was stuck. When I finally got him to wake up, it was like he didn't even know where he was. He didn't let me anywhere without him. We sat down an hour ago to watch MTV and he crashed. He seems to be doing better now though." He told them concerned. Everyone besides Laycey furrowed their eyebrows in concern for their friend.
"I'll go wake him up. He can't sleep all day. You all can come in, it's gonna be a minute before he's ready." Everyone shuffled in as Eddie went to the couch to wake Richie up.
"Richie dude, time to get up." But all Eddie got in response was a mumble and a groan.
"Richie." He tried again, but still just received a groan. Eddie then decided to be a little shit and get some water from the tap in the kitchen to pour on him. Once the cold water made contact with Richie's skin he jolted up with a girlish shriek.
"What the fuck, who did that?!" He ground out in a high-pitched voice looking around for the culprit. When his eyes landed on a suspiciously empty cup in Eddie's hand they narrowed.
"You're fucking dead, Kaspbrak. Remember who taught you all your tricks." Richie grounded out. Eddie was doing all he could to not burst into loud laughter.

She'll Float Towards Us
FanfictionSEQUEL IS UP AND COMPLETE!!! In this world, everyone has a soulmate. Your soulmark appears somewhere on your body by the age of 15 but to find your soulmate they to be at least 15 years of age for you to recognize your bond. The soulmark itself is a...