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( C O N F I D E N C E )真実を曲げる

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( C O N F I D E N C E )

( C O N F I D E N C E )真実を曲げる

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April 27th

A few days later, Mai and Tsukishima were walking side-by-side in the busy hallway during lunch period. She had their hands entwined together as to not be separated in the sea of peers. He said nothing about it, though it summoned a hoard of butterflies in the pit of his stomach. They had been in an awkward flirting stage, where both parties were oblivious about the other's feelings and were subconsciously showing their own, mostly through constant contact and witty banter. It started with watching with adoration clouding their eyes when the other wasn't looking and escalated to holding hands and their thighs touching whenever they sat. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get either of them to admit their obvious devotion.

Tsukishima pulled her out of the bustling crowd, towards the vending machine that Kageyama could usually be seen staring at while he battled with indecisiveness. He reached into his bag to retrieve his wallet while Mai stared at the abundance of options displayed in the glass.

"What do you want?" He asked, watching her from the corner of his eye while she decided.

"A strawberry milk, please," replied Mai. She had her long hair down in two pig-tails, the absence of her usual up-dos costing her an inch of height.

"Ugh, strawberry? All of the options and you choose strawberry?" Tsukishima's face formed into a grimace, his nose scrunching and his eyebrows furrowing. He noticed she wasn't wearing their usual school blazers today, opting out for the jacket he lent her two weeks ago that reached the top of her thigh-high socks. How cute.

Mai took one look at his disgusted expression and busted into a fit of giggles, a light and sweet sound that sent shock waves through his body. He scoffed at her debatable preference in milk but bought it nonetheless, as well as a plain one for him and an apple juice for Tadashi.

"Thank you, Kei," said the red-head, taking her drink that had been deemed disgusting and smiling up at the tall boy.

Tadashi waved them over from the small silver table he was seated at, gratefully accepting the juice Tsukishima placed in front of him. He sat with his elbows resting on the table and a lopsided grin on his face, the sleeves of his buttoned blazer falling down to showcase the green and white bracelet that Mai bought him from the markets. Tsukishima owned one as well, a grey and blue one, but it was kept exclusively on his ankle. Mai had her own on her left wrist, the red and white connecting her to her new friends while simultaneously reminding her of her old ones.

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