↳ the most awesome playlist ever

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( C O N F I D E N C E )これまでで最も素晴らしいプレイリスト

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( C O N F I D E N C E )

( C O N F I D E N C E )これまでで最も素晴らしいプレイリスト

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Tsukishima Kei was not a kind person. He was an arrogant brat with a sharp tongue and a knack for getting on people's nerves. But, at rare times when he was feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable in his skin, he turned to his best friends. During these times, he was the sweetest kid ever, showering them with small, insignificant gifts like lollipops and pens and staying up to all hours until they fell asleep, knowing that they appreciated all that he did. From that point on, he was an ass.

Right now, after Nekoma won the game in straight sets, he was in the midst of the period of being a genuinely good person. But, he and Mai still weren't talking. Tsukishima hovered over the send button on the message he crafted to Mai. It was heartfelt, explaining that he had gotten over his anger and was ready to be friends again. But it was wrong, he wasn't over it. He deleted the message and threw his phone down on his bed.

He wished for nothing more than to just hold her again, although he seemed to hate it every time she launched herself upon him. Her cheery voice was missing from his and Tadashi's conversations. All he wanted was his best friend back, but he couldn't bring himself to start the dreaded talk.

Tsukishima had been thinking about what his older brother likes to call the 'pity party' ever since it was brought up by Akiteru. Every time he hugged her extra tight or added a heart to the end of his message, he figured that he wouldn't hate doing that all the time. But, subconsciously, he would catch himself doing those things on a regular day. It was as if she was a remedy to his bad attitude. Short term, of course, and only around her, but still a change.

Meanwhile, Mai was out at dinner with her Aunt Ren on the chilly Friday night, rugged up in layers upon layers, but still without his 'Karasuno' jacket draped in baggy fashion over her shoulders. Since they rarely crossed paths, Ren suggested they go to the new sushi place, but it was really just so she didn't have to cook.

"How is it, hun?"

Mai paused mid-chew and covered her mouth with her hands, the heavy training she put herself through covering them in callouses. "It's great, thank you so much."

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐭.𝐤𝐞𝐢. (信頼)Where stories live. Discover now