Darkness Awakes! Chapter 3

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"Coldpaw I think cats are starting to suspect us." Lynxpaw whispered even though they where alone. "Dont be ridiculous," Coldpaw meowed calmly. Lynxpaw glared at him, "Do you even care?!" She snapped. "I do care!" Coldpaw hissed, "We didn't do anything wrong, we're innocent."

Lynxpaw glared at him. She let her emotions get the best of her and before she knew it she was blaming Coldpaw for everything. "Its all your fault! If you hadn't chased that rabbit over the boarder we wouldn't be in this situation!" Coldpaw snarled and shouted something back, but Lynxpaw wouldn't hear it. She tackled him knocking him off balance. Lynxpaw pinned him down, but Coldpaw was quick landing a blow at her muzzle. Lynxpaw shreaked in surprise and anger. She dug her claws in him making him whince in pain. Coldpaw kicked her off, slashing her nose. Lynxpaw barreled into his chest, but Coldpaw expected it, bracing himself.  They continued to fight before interference. Lynxpaw was pinned by Hailstorm, and Coldpaw was pulled away by Risingsoldier. Splotches of blood clung to Lynxpaw's white pelt, and she couldn't fell her left paw. Coldpaw didn't look so good aswell, he couldn't open his right eye and his shoulder had blood dripping down it. Risingsoldier and Hailstorm yowled at them.  "Ridiculous," was all Lynxpaw could make out. She was to angry to care. They where guided into the medicine den, cats gathering around concerned expressions.  "This is Swiftclan's doing!" A gueen cried, her kits glancing around in confusion.  Cats murmured, their tails lashing. No it wasn't Swiftclan, its all Coldpaw's fault!  Lynxpaw held her tounge knowing she was already in trouble. Cats gathered around Hailstorm demanding answers, Silenthowl included. He glanced at Lynxpaw who avoided his gaze. Risingsoldier made her way to Redstar's den to inform her on the situation.  Redstar appeared out of her den instantly, a worried expression on her face. Coldpaw was her son afteral.  Lynxpaw and Coldpaw sat in the medicine den, Duskmoon tending to their wounds with the help of her apprentice Tigerpaw. Lynxpaw whinced as Tigerpaw smeared an ointment onto her paw, but the stinging sensation was much better than the pain she felt when she looked at Coldpaw. Redstar poked her head in, Omenshard close behind her. He licked Coldpaw on the ear who drew away from his father. Duskmoon and Redstar spoke quietly in the corner of the den. "So what happened?" Omenshard questioned them both. Lynxpaw struggled to keep quiet. Coldpaw stared at nothing. Tigerpaw shuffled her paws feeling the awkwardness. "Coldpaw, Lynxpaw" Redstars voice was sharp, "Explain why you both decided to tear eachother apart." She glared at them, her tail twitching.  Lynxpaw looked at her swollen paw, Coldpaw did the same before looking away stubbornly. "You should be fighting the real enemy not eachother." Redstar growled scolding them both both. And who is that?!  Lynxpaw almost shouted,  but knew no one would listen to her. Everyone was already angry at her, she didn't want to add to it.

Redstar shook her head in disappointment, "Since you two want to act like kits then you both will be treated like kits, until the next gathering you both will be doing chores,  and alot of them." Coldpaw muttered under his breath glaring at his mother. Lynxpaw gagged at the thought of removing ticks from elders. "Now I have to explain to a clan that no one attack us," Redstar muttered exiting the den. Omenshard lingered for a moment, nodding before leaving. Lynxpaw took a deep breath, she seemed to have forgotten how to breath. "Your paw seems fine, just dont but to much weight on it and keep it out of water for now," Duckmoon explained to Lynxpaw. "And Coldpaw, your shoulder is fine aswell as for your eye just avoid getting anything in it." She glanced over them one more time, "Okay you two can go now, unless you plan on sleeping here?" Lynxpaw shook her head, this den had a strange scent to it. Coldpaw walked out towards Jinx, ignoring Duskmoon's offer. Lynxpaw snorted stomping off into the apprentice den. Coldpaw is so disrespectful,  thinking he knows everything. I hate him! I regret ever being his friend.

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