The Begining

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On the the seventh day of the seventh week of the seventh month of the seventh year, a seventh child of the seventh king of the seventh kingdom was born; a kingdom wherein you'll reach if you cross the seven seas, the seven mountains and the seven trees, and her name was Othel.

"OH dear! Look at her...she's so beautiful" whispered one of the maids to another. "Her skin is so pale you can see her veins" whispered another.

Indeed Othel was beautiful, She had pale skin, dazzling grey eyes that sparkle every time she blinks, doting thick brown hair.
Her thick eyebrows were perfectly sculpted, her eyelashes were long and silky. She was perfect!

Everyone in the palace adored her, and My! The king was happy.

Later that night, while othel was sleeping on her mother's chest a creature came in a long dark cape with mist of dark clouds hovering around him. His skin was pale white, his hands were boney and he had a very handsome face. It was astonishing! He looked fierce and scary with horns on the side of his forehead. His face showing no emotion as his silver strikingly eyes stare at Othel. He gently picked her up and placed her in his arms.

She woke! And so did the queen. Before the queen could raise any alarm, He looked at her with strong intensity that made her words not escape her lips.

"please don't hurt her! She's only a baby" she managed to say.

"No, you've mistook me your Majesty. I am not her to hurt her, I've come to warn you"

"about what if i may ask?"

" She has the gift"

"What gift?"

"She is the chosen one, the one to bring an end to horrible disaster yet to occur" he answered

The queen looked horrified "but she has only been born" she pleaded again

" This is her destiny, she cannot escape it. She is the last person to have the gift. For over thousands of years, none has been born with the gift but her.
She's the one to save us all.
She will have great power like that of a thousand men, courage like ten thousand men. In her voice, people will hear the voices of hundreds of men, screaming on top of their voices. Train her to be strong, Always."

"i do not understand..." the queen said in confusion "you will as time goes by, But for now i say Goodbye for I've spoken enough. " said the dark hooded creature As he gave her back to her mother.

"I am only a messenger, speak nothing of this day to no one. Not even the king" the dark hooded creature said before he disappeared in a large puff of dark clouds.

The queen stared at her daughter as the words kept coming back...
"our queen!

Our savior

The one we've been waiting for"

The queen started to weep in fear

"Oh my dear Othel! What does this world has to offer in exchange for the sacrifices you're going to make?"
The queen said with a sad loathe on her throat as she held her child.

Poor Othel, knew not of what was happening, she just snored and enjoyed her mother's body warmth.

" Sleep tight my Angel"

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