I'm Really Sorry

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I feel like I'm constantly apologizing to you guys, and I can only imaging how frustrating it is for you all. I am truly very sorry for being so inactive and inconsistent with my updates, but I am making a resolution that I will be more consistent from now on. Whether it's only updating once every 2 weeks or setting a specific day to update on every week I'm not sure yet, but I'm working on trying to have an update ready every Saturday or Sunday from now on.

I'm really sorry for abandoning this story again. I was in a very dark place for these past weeks, and there was a period of time where I genuinely no longer wanted to be alive. It pathetically took me much longer than I anticipated to get myself together, but I know what I want to write and now I'm in the right mindset to write it. I have some more plot points I'm excited to get to, and I can't wait to continue to reveal how all 7 boys fell in love and got together. If any of you are still reading this story, I thank you with all my heart <3

There will be an update on Nov. 28th

Thank you for all your patience and kindness.

I purple you all! Remember, "you nice, keep going".


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