Parent/Teacher conference

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"Hey, Scott, it's me again. I'm just calling to make sure that everything's okay. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Maybe you forgot. Well, whatever it is, just give me a call and let me know that everything's okay. All right. Thanks." Alan ended the call to Scott with worried sigh. Luke wanted to say something but was interrupted by door opening.

"Sheriff Stilinski."

"Listen, I hate to bother you, but, uh, I'm having a bitch of a time getting a consensus on what this is we're dealing with." Said sheriff as he walked in the clinic and handed Alan few papers.

"I'm really flattered you've come to me for help, but, like I said before, I'm no expert."

"But you were pretty certain the other day about our attacker being a mountain lion."

"That's right."

"I wanna show you something. We got a little lucky here. Uh, the video store didn't have any cameras, but a security camera that was watching another parking lot happened to grab a few frames. Take a look at our mountain lion. Here's another." Said sheriff as he showed Deaton one picture after another.

"It's interesting."

"Actually, uh, this is the interesting one." Luke decided not to move from his spot on a chair in the corner. It seemed that sheriff didn't notice his presence yet.

"I see what you mean."

"My first instinct was it was a bear, but bears don't walk on two legs."

"No, they drop to all fours. Look, like I said, you really need an expert here."

"Yeah, yeah, but - Could this still be a mountain lion?" Luke could smell the confusion from Stilinski.

"I'm sorry. I've got a sick Doberman that needs my attention."

"No other ideas?"

"I'm sorry. Really, I wish I could help you, but I've got a sick-"

"Yeah. Dog. I heard you. Thanks for humouring me again." Said sheriff and left with a sigh. Luke turned his head and looked at the clock that was hanging on one of the walls.

"The parent/teacher conferences will be starting in twenty minutes. You should probably head out. Don't worry, I'll take care of the 'sick dog'." Smiled Luke with toothy grin and Alan rolled his eyes.

"Should I be worried? I hope I won't hear any complains about your smartass attitude."

"Smartass? No, I simply corrected them when they were wrong. But that is mostly in history because I was actually there for about half of our textbooks." Deaton sighted and left to get his car keys and jacket.

-Time skip-

"Yeah, so Luke. There's really nothing I can say about his academical results. He's on top of the class in every subject. It's incredible, to be honest. But I think that he has a lot of unused potential. Has he ever done any sports?" Asked Coach as he went through some files on his desk.

"He played chess for a few years but that's about it."

"Well do you think that he would like to play lacrosse?"

"I don't think he's into this kind of aggressive and physical games."

"Really? He seemed quite competitive in P.E. in past few weeks." Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Well, I will ask him about the lacrosse, If that's all, I'll have to head home."

-Time skip-

The next day was quite uneventful for Luke. Well until lunch break of course. He was heading to his locker but out of nowhere he heard familiar woman's voice call out his name.


He whipped his head around and looked down the packed corridor with panicked eyes. His back then crashed into somebody.

I'm sorr-Watch where you're going nerd!" Snapped Jackson and continued walking towards lacrosse field. Danny shot him apologetic look and hurried to catch up with him. Luke blinked few times and looked around. He didn't see her, but he was sure he heard her voice.

"Hey Alan. I'll come home late today. I have to go clear my head." Said Luke to the phone and headed to the forest. When he was deep enough, he put his bag on the ground and climbed the nearest tree. He hooked his legs on one of the branches and hanged down from the tree with his head down. He took a deep breath in, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I wish all my wonderfull readers merry Christmas! Stay safe and with those you love <3

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