The game of the exterminator and a mouse

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"Can't believe you came back."

"I might be dead, but I'm not heartless." Hummed Luke as he carefully dabbed the alcohol-soaked cotton pad onto Stiles' bloody cheek.

"You're awfully good at this."

"You learn a lot over the years." That earned him a raised eyebrow from Stiles.

"I thought you've been mostly locked up?"

"Yea, but they had to keep me 'alive' somehow. James, the head of the clan I was in, started bringing me rabbits but before that... a lot of children were locked up with me in my room. I refused to feed from them and tried to patch them up the best I could."

"I'm sorry." Mumbled Stiles and Luke patted him on the back.

"The thing about being supernatural is that it's never gonna be good. Life is going to be miserable 'till the day one of the hunters releases you from the hell you've been put in. I'm glad you didn't take Peter's bite. You might have been the best of us, but I don't think it would be worth it."

"With how much trouble it brought Scott, I'm glad too." The doors down the hall clicked open and Luke jumped to his feet, listening carefully.

"Yeah, I'm not finding any clues here. Listen, if he-if he shows up at the hospital- Okay, thanks." The worried voice of sheriff Stilinski filled the silence.

"Your dad." He mouthed to Stiles, who nodded and then pointed to the window. Luke was half-way out when he turned back.

"Call me if you need anything." He said and Stiles nodded, twitch in the corner of his mouth.

-Time skip-

Gunshots pierced the quiet night and gained Luke's attention. He was searching for Scott ever since he left Stiles' place and it seemed like he finally found him. He entered the abandoned warehouse just in time to see the kanima grab Allison under the neck.

"Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard said.

"Are you saying that to Allison or to the kanima?" Luke spoke out and Gerard turned to him.

"So my suspicions were correct, there really is a vampire in Beacon Hills without a clan."

"If you think that the lack of clan makes me any less capable of killing you, I am prepared to prove you wrong."

"What are you doing?" Allison asked, voice shaking.

"He's doing what he came here to do..." Scott mumbled.

"Then you know."

"What's he talking about?"

"It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it? When I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could just smell it, couldn't you?"

"He's dying..." Panting Isaac said, sniffing the air.

"I am. I have been for a while now, Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet... But the supernatural does."

"You monster." Chris Argent shouted with disgust.

"Not yet."

"You'll kill her, too?" Chris asked, gesturing to Alison

"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son!"

"I won't allow that!" Luke has had enough; he sprinted to Gerard and bared his fangs with a hiss. He was barely a meter away when his eyes fell to Gerard's hands. There, pointed right at his chest was a carved wooden streak. Luke barely managed to alter his direction, he was luckily fast enough to avoid death, but not to come out unharmed. The streak made a deep, pulsing gash across the left side of his ribcage. Luke gasped. "Where the fuck did you get that?!"

"From a friend passing the town. I believe you've met him." The hybrid felt the sting on his palm where the cross laid. "Scott."

"Scott, don't. You know that he's gonna kill me right after. He'll be an Alpha." Luke tried standing up, but the pain spreading from his would was paralyzing.

"That's true... But I think he already knows that, don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. And, in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love."

"Scott, don't! Don't!"

"I'm sorry. But I have to." As soon as Derek's teeth sunk into Gerard's flesh and the hunter's blood leaked to the surface, Luke's nose twitched. Gerard raised his arm in triumph, the black blood running down to his elbow.

"What?" The hunter asked when he noticed the stares. "What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan... I had a plan, too." Said Scott with a smile.

"No, no..." Muttered Gerard as he fumbled through his jacket and pulled out a small container. He shook out some of the pills and crushed them in his hand. "Mountain ash!" And suddenly, it all made so much sense. Gerard fell to the ground. "Kill them! Kill them all!" He screamed and the attention of everyone shifted to the kanima. With a swift jump it leaped across the room and then, just as fast, there was a very familiar car slamming right into it.

"Did I get him?!" Stiles yelled from the jeep.

"Yeah, you sure did." Sighed Luke, eyelids heavy. Derek was walking towards him, but his head felt heavy. A little nap wouldn't hurt anybody.

Blood Traitor//Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now