Good advice

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"So Luke...Scott told me that yesterday, he was mysteriously saved by something or someone really fast. Do you know something about it?" Asked Stiles when he stopped next to the vampire.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Said Luke while avoiding Stiles' gaze.

"Oh really? 'Cause I think that you found and saved him. Just like you promised, so...I owe you a thank you." This time, it was Stiles who looked to the side. Luke stared at him in surprise.

"Don't you have a lacrosse practice starting in five minutes?" Stiles' eyes widened.

"Oh sh- You're right! Thanks!" Shouted Stiles and quickly jogged to change. Luke laughed and got ready to head home.

He was just about to leave the building when he heard it. A loud bang. He stopped and listened a little longer. He could hear a silent growl. Werewolf growl. Luke didn't waste any time and in a few seconds he was standing before doors to boys changing room. He stormed inside just in time to stop Scott from killing Stiles. Lucien grabbed Scott around his neck and threw him backwards. Scotts body slammed into the lockers and Luke looked back on Stiles.

"Are you ok?" Stiles just quickly nodded as he stared at the boy who just saved his life. But then his eyes widened and he started pointing behind Luke with trembling hand. Scott got up from the ground. An angry growl escaped werewolves lips and he attacked them. But Luke stood his ground and the moment when Scott made the first step towards them, he opened his mouth and showed Scott his long, razor sharp fangs. His eyes glowed silver and a hiss came out of his throat. This sight was enough to force Scott to change back.

"Stiles, Luke- What happened?"

"You tried to kill me. It's like I told you before. It's the anger. It's your pulse rising. It's a trigger." Shakely said Stiles and stood up,

"But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed."

"Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."

"I'm first line." Complained Scott.

"Not anymore." Spoke Luke for the first time. Both boys turned to him.

"Oh, and by the way. What the hell are you?!"


"And don't even try to lie, I saw your fangs and your eyes glowed white!"

"Ok, first. It was silver. Second-"

"Are you some kind of a were cat or what?" Asked Scott and Luke turned to him with shocked expression.

"A wereca- Ex-fucking-cuse me? You take that back."

"Then what are you?!"

"A vampire genius. Fangs, pale skin. And if this chihuahua wasn't always focused only on that Argent girl, then maybe he would also notice that I don't have a heartbeat." Scott stopped for a few moments and listened. He gasped when he heard only his and Stiles' heart.

"It's true. So that means you were the one that saved me and Derek yesterday from the hunters." Luke rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Oh, by the way Scott, I'm gonna give you only one advice to your new supernatural life, so you better remember it. Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed." Then Luke turned on his heels and went home.

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