Long night

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It was already dark when he woke up. And he instantly froze upon seeing the thing just few feet away from him. Pair of burning red eyes staring at him from the dark. Luke didn't dare to move. His blood run cold when the alpha took it's first step towards the vampire. As Luke was getting ready to make a run for it, both supernatural creatures could hear long, deep howl somewhere from the town. Luke watched the alphas every move. The big beast looked at him, towards the town and back at him, as if to decide what was more important. It growled slightly and then left, running towards Beacon Hills. Luke released a shaky breath as he felt his muscles relax a bit.

"Fuck..." He whispered and climbed down from the tree. Luke took out his phone to see what time it was and was surprised to see it was almost 11PM. He quickly picked up his stuff and sprinted home.

"I'm...home?" Paused Lucien when he opened the front door and was met with complete darkness. Luke put his stuff in his room and went to the clinic. He let out a breath of relief when he saw light inside.

"Hey Alan, I was getting worried. Usually you text me when you work late-" He cut himself off when he saw the state the room was in. Papers all over the floor, overturned chair and a small drop of blood. It didn't take Luke long to put two and two together. Alan was kidnapped. Luke smelled the air for any sent that didn't belong in there. A faint smell of cinnamon and fire entered his nose. He knew who this smell belonged to.

And Derek is gonna wish he was never born.

-Time skip-

He followed Dereks scent all the way to the school parking lot. He frowned when he saw Stilses jeep with dent in hood and upon further inspection with missing battery. Something was very wrong. He smelled blood, but also heard about five panicked heartbeats. Luke decided to help anyone, who was inside. He sped through the corridor and immediately heard werewolf growling coming from the gym. So he headed that way. It was the alpha somehow forcing Scott to change into his werewolf form.

"HEY!" He yelled and gained alphas attention as well as Scotts.

"That's right you little hairy bastard, I'm right here. So come and get me." Said Luke and stared alpha in it's eyes. Luciens own eyes glowed silver as he was challenging it. The alpha snarled and started walking towards Luke. The vampire looked at Scott, who was watching him with wide eyes, and sadly smiled at him. Then he made a run for it. He couldn't run that fast because the alpha would lose interest in him. All he had to do was lead the alpha away from the town...and maybe survive in the process. He and the alpha entered the forest. Luke turned behind one of the larger piles of trees but was startled by a deer that stood there. Before he could think about it, Lucien stopped and stared at the deer. A little advice for Lukes future self. When you are chased down by a big, murderous, angry and probably hungry alpha, NEVER stop running. A huge amount of force crashed into Lukes back and sent both him and alpha flying to the ground. At the same time, Lucien felt few very sharp claws dug into his left shoulder. He screamed. He could swear that he never felt something that painful since he died. And this was the first pain he felt in about 600 years. He could feel black blood running down his arm. He quickly pushed his feet against the werewolves chest and kicked it away from him. When the werewolf stood up again and looked for the boy, he was already gone. Peter growled.

"Well, we survived, dude. You know? We outlasted the alpha. It's still good, right? Being alive?" Grinned Stiles.

"When we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?"

"Well, then how come we're still alive?"

"It wants me in its pack. But I think, first - I have to get rid of my old pack." Said Scott while he ruffled his hair in frustration.

"What do you mean? What old pack?"

"Allison. Jackson, Lydia. You."

"The alpha doesn't wanna kill us."

"It wants me to do it. And that's not even the worst part."

"How in holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?"

"Because when it made me shift just before Luke showed up - I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you."

"Wh-What do you mean Luke?" Frowned Stiles.

"When I was at the gym with the alpha he showed up and provoked it into following him. He led it out of the school. I hope he's ok."

"He's a vampire Scott. He'll be fine." And just when Stiles said it Scott heard heart crushing scream.

"You heard that?" Asked Scott while looking at Stiles with horrified expression.

"Yea." Said Stiles and his skin became few shades paler.

Blood Traitor//Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now