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Luke opened the front door with trembling hands and quickly rushed into the bathroom.

Deaton came home when sheriff finally let him go. He froze when he noticed black blood on the door handle.


"In the bathroom." Said Lucien with weak voice and Alan rushed in.

"What happened?!" Asked Alan with concern.

"I fell down while I was running away from the alpha. I had to lure it out of the school and save Scotts sorry arse. Where have you been?"

"With a police officers on school parking lot." Luke sighed and tilted his head back so it was resting against the wall.

"Do you need help with the stiches?"

"Yes please."

-Time skip-

Lucien entered the school with tired expression and dark circles under his eyes. This, of course caught Scotts and Stiles' attention.

"Luke! You survived! I was so worried! Are you ok?" Asked Scott in hushed tone looking Luke up and down.

"Well...I'm...dead, so... I'm as ok as a dead person can be." Said Luke and Scott patted him on his injured shoulder. Luke quietly cried out in pain and moved out of Scotts reach. Scott and Stiles looked at him wide eyed.

"I'm fine." Snarled Luke.

"Yea? And what does 'fine' mean to you?" Asked Stiles.

"It means I'm perfectly content but wouldn't mind if the sun exploded and killed us all." Luke said with sarcastic smile and left for his first class.

-Time skip-

"How was school?" Asked Deaton when Luke entered the clinic.

"Long. And tiring." Yawned Luke and almost fell because he hit his uninjured shoulder against the doorframe.

"Go to sleep Lucien." Luke was too tired to protest so he just went home.


"Luci! Mister Warren let out the horses! Maybe he'll let us pet them!" Yelled a little girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.


"And who might you be, young man?" Asked woman with hair black as night.

"My name in Lucien Jones, my lady. Can I help you in any way?" Asked seventeen years old boy.

"We'll see."

-Time skip-

The next day Luke woke up with killer headache.

"Aw fucking shit...what the hell?" Luke cried out from under the covers. He stood up and almost fell over because of the nausea that hit him. He had to lean on the wall for support. Luke stumbled to one of his desk drawers and opened it. He took out one of the emergency blood bags and sunk his teeth into it. Lucien breathed out in relief as he felt the headache slowly disappear. When he finished the bag he threw it away and got ready for school. Before leaving, he rolled up his sleeve and checked the injury.

"It should be healed by now." Luke whispered for himself. He traced the scratches with his fingers and hissed with pain.

-Time skip-

The school went by much slower than usually. In the middle of the fourth period the headache came back. It wasn't as bad as before, but still. At one point Luke also noticed that Scott looked pretty miserable. But decided not to say anything about it, because yesterday was full moon. Scott was probably just tired. But the interesting stuff started on lunch break. Luke was sitting in cafeteria, slowly chewing his sandwich and reading, when he heard Jackson.

"Looking for me, McCall? I'm right here. So what else can you do? Huh? Can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? No, I knew there was no way you suddenly got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're actually a cheater, aren't you? I mean, can you even play lacrosse?" Luke turned his head to look at Scott, who was doing very crappy job at trying to ignore Jackson. So Luke decided to help the werewolf out.

"Hey Whitmore! You good? You're talking to yourself." Said Luke loudly, making sure that half of the cafeteria heard him. Some students laughed and Luke smirked. Jackson glared at him.

"You owe me one, chihuahua." Whispered Luke when he got up from the table and left.

Blood Traitor//Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now