Oh the sexual tension

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Few days went by and Luke was tired if doing nothing. Alan, for some reason didn't let him into the clinic. Something was in town killing people, and the main theme of Luke's dreams was Petra taking form of Derek. Lovely. Usually, Luke would just avoid sleep, since he didn't really need it when he was a vampire, but it seemed that the wolf inside him was yawning just at the thought of staying up more than 24 hours.

"Bloody hell." Sighted Luke as he got up from his bed. He dressed into some comfy jeans with a dark blue bandana tied around one of the belt hooks with plain black t-shirt and headed out through the window. He headed to Derek's loft. There was always something to do there.

And he was right. Just as he quietly slipped in he saw Isaac being thrown to the ground right by Erica, who was already lying on her back, groaning.

"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" Said Derek with displeased look. Just as he said that, Erica spun into action. She jumped, wrapped her legs around Derek's waist and hungrily kissed him. Luke felt a growl about to come from the back of his throat, but he held it in.

"That's the last time you do that." Derek growled and threw Erica back to the ground.

"Why? Because I'm a beta?"

"No, because I have someone else in mind for you."

"And you're doing it wrong." Said Luke, making his presence known.

"Jones? You're a werewolf too?!" Shouted Erica.

"I-Why does everyone confuse me with a werewolf?" Huffed Luke and Derek chuckled.

"What are you then?" Asked Isaac, who was equally confused as Erica.

"Try and guess. And if you say werecat I swear to god-"

"He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid." The alpha cut him of and Luke sent him a playful glare.

"Yeah, ok. That's me. Anyways, when you want to play the seduction game, you can't just jump at him. No, there has to be some kind of foreplay, you know? Get the sexual tension going." The hybrid said, smile playing on his lips as he walked to the werewolves. With the last word he swiped his leg under Derek's, successfully knocking him on his back. The werewolf let out a surprised yelp and he looked at Luke with confusion.

"For this to be done correctly, you have to master a few techniques, including sex eyes." As he said that, he looked down on Derek and the alpha almost moaned. Almost.

"Bastard." Said Derek with strangled voice and quickly swept Luke's legs from under him. The hybrid somehow managed to fall down more gracefully that Derek. The alpha didn't waste any time and tried to pin Luke to the ground, but the hybrid was, as always, faster. And so Derek found himself pinned face to the ground instead. Luke was slowly lowering his mouth closer and closer to the alpha's face and Derek was frozen. He didn't know what to do.

"And then you bite." Said Luke to the three teenagers and Derek was brought back to reality. Thy hybrid stood up and offered his hand to Derek who at first glared, but then accepted it anyway.

"Why was I used as a demonstration?" Derek said with a frown.

"You were the closest. And these three needed to watch. Is your back gonna be okay grandpa?" Asked Luke with a poorly hidden grin.

"But how do you deal with more enemies?" Asked Isaac who was clearly in doubt of the hybrids abilities.

"Please, you three, be my guests. Pin me to the ground. Show me what you can do. And for this to be fair..." He said and grabbed the bandana and tied it around his eyes.

"Do your worst." The hybrid grinned, showing his vampire fangs.

Two minutes and it was over. It was not a hard task for Luke, since the three idiots growled like dogs and gave away their position.

"Well that was fast." Said Luke to Isaac, who waspinned under the hybrid. The werewolf rolled his eyes. Then Luke's nosetwitched. He caught a whiff of something he was not expecting. Jealousy mixedwith pleasant scent of pine wood.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Someone's jelly.

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