Now he might bite

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They met at Derek's loft at five after Luke was told they got some more details out of Isaac with Deaton while Luke was at school. Which was, first of all, rude they didn't invite him but also super helpful from what the hybrid heard. They apparently have a building where the betas are held.

"Okay, you see this?" Stiles pointed at the blueprint of the abandoned bank. "This is how they got in- it's a rooftop air conditioning vent, leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here. Okay? One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now, that space is so small, it took him about twelve hours to drill into that wall, which is stone, by the way. Then, throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom!"

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asked, frowning at the paper.

"Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And, they also patched the wall, obviously, so we're gonna need a drill of some kind. I'm thinking maybe a diamond-bit-"

"Look, forget the drill-" Derek dismissed Stiles.


"If I go in first, how much space do I have?"

"What do you... What do you think you're gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asked, flabbergasted.

"Yes, Stiles. I'm gonna punch through the wall." Derek gritted through his teeth.

"Okay. Okay, big guy, let's see it! Let's see that fist. Big old fist. Make it, come on! Get it out there! Don't be scared, big bad wolf!" Derek, much to Luke's enjoyment, did and flexed his bicep. "Yeah, look at that! Okay, see this? That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co-" Derek punched Stiles' hand and Stiles staggered back, face scrunched in pain. "H-he could do it."

"I'll get through the wall. Who's following me?" Derek pointedly did not look at Luke, instead, he stared over his shoulder at Peter.

"Don't look at me! I'm not up to fighting speed, yet. And honestly, with Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself." Peter raised his arms from where he was sitting on the stairs.

"So, I'm supposed to just let them die?"

"One of them already is dead." Peter shrugged.

"We don't know that!"

"Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of Alphas, all of them killers. And, if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed."

"Could someone kill him again, please? And what about Luke? He's got the fancy hypnosis thingy, no? The thing that stopped Peter? Maybe it could stop Deucalion too."

"The whole thing relies on eye contact, Stiles. Deucalion is blind. And the double patty burger could just separate."

"Derek, seriously? Not worth the risk."

"What about you?" Derek turned to look over Stiles at Scott.

"Yeah, if you want me to come..." Stiles started.

"Not you."

"Scott, right..."

"I don't know about Erica... But, if Boyd's alive, we have to do something. We have to try."


"Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?" No one had an answer for him.

"So that makes me, Der-bear and Scoot. You ready to third-wheel, McCall?"

"You're not going, Luke. And don't call me that." Derek said.

"I'm sorry, what?! I thought we were over this discussion."

"How's your control on the full moon." That made Luke stutter.

"I-I'm not waking up with rabbits around me anymore."

"But you're still waking up outside of your house."

"That's only when I don't have a distraction. Like when someone leaves me behind while going to recreate an amazing heist!" Grunted Luke.

"You're not going. Final."

"But-" Luke's blood began to boil.

"NO!" The shout left him speechless. And what was even worse? Derek's eyes didn't change one bit. There was something crawling at the back of Luke's throat. Something between a hiss and a whimper, as if the wolf held the vamp back.

"You're a dick, Derek." Hissed Luke as he watched him and Scott leave the loft.

Wow, this is going great! Thak you guys so much for 10k votes! You are amazing!

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