In for a penny

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Luke burst through the doors into the classroom, cursing to himself as all the eyes turned to him.

"Wow. Didn't think I'd live to see this day!" Laughed Coach Finstock. "Jones arrived late for class!"

"Sorry I'm late, Coach." Luke grumbled and he and the coach were quiet for a moment.

"Do you have any excuse?" Coach asked expectantly.

"No, I do not, sir." Luke shrugged, British accent slipping through. Coach frowned.

"Since when do you have a posh boy accent?"

"Posh...boy accent?" Luke repeated, not understanding how the accent he picked up from his poor family in the 14th century qualifies as 'posh'.

"Just sit down, Jones." Luke did, still confused with the exchange. "Now, as I was saying, the stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" Scott lifted his arm, excited look on his face. "Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?"

"Uh, no, Coach, I know the answer." Scott says, shocking everyone in the room. Coach laughs, then stops,

"Oh, you're serious."

"Yes. Risk and reward."

"Wow! What is it with this day?! Who are you? And what have you done with McCall? Don't answer that! I like you better! I like you better! Does anybody have a quarter?"

"A quarter? Yep." Stiles started digging through his pockets and Luke used the moment to pull out his textbook. As he was leaning down to his backpack, something small and blue landed on the ground in the middle of the path created by the desks. Luke squinted his eyes at it and then slowly looked up at Stiles, who was staring back at him with horror. It was a condom. XXL condom.

"Stilinski, I think you, uh... You dropped this." Coach leaned down and picked it up, giving it to Stiles and taking the coin. "And congratulations! Risk and reward! Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward! Okay, watch Coach." Coach smirked and aimed. Then he threw the coin in the air. It flashed and Luke felt a sudden painful tug on his mind. "That's how you do it! Okay, Danny... Risk? Reward?"

"What's the reward?"

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow."

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it..."

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point. Really." Coach huffed impatiently. "McCall! Risk. Reward. The risk: if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop- the, the quiz. And you have to write an essay! Risk - more work. Reward - no work at all. Or, choose not to play."

"But isn't this just a chance?"

"No! You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience... All factors affecting the outcome. So, what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?"

"No play." Scott shook his head and Coach huffed.

"Okay, who's next? Who wants the quarter?" Stiles rose from his seat with a cocky smile. "There ya go! There's a gamblin' man! Come on! Step up, step up! All right, Stilinski!" Coach cheered him on.

"Stiles..." Someone said from the side and when Luke turned he saw the sheriff.

"Yeah, Coach, I got it-"

"Stiles." Stiles finally noticed his father at the door and the smile disappeared. He excused himself and stepped out.

"Alright... Jones! You don't get to choose since you came late. Come on, get up." Coach flicked the coin at him and Luke caught it. As the hybrid took a few lazy steps to the front he traced the coin with his fingers. He frowned. He looked down on the piece of metal and his eyes widened. The coin was old and damn near perfect. And british. "Well?" Coach interrupted his train of thoughts. Luke threw the coin, purposefully missing the cup and having it roll on the floor back to his feet. He leaned down, picked it up and then switched it with a normal quarter he had in his pocket.

"So, what's the essay gonna be about?" He asked with a sigh.

"How 'bout this. You don't have to do the essay if you join the team."


"Three essays!" Luke paused. Was he blackmailing him?


"Four!" Luke gaped at him. Yep, this was definitely blackmail.

"Fine! God..." The hybrid threw his hands out in frustration and Coach victoriously laughed.

"Okay, who's next? Greenberg, put your hand down. You don't have a chance."

What had he gotten himself into. 

Told ya I have time XD 

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