chapter 3

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Gigi's POV

It had been almost 4 hours since the pairs for the WW had been announced. 4 fucking hours and I was still stunned. Universe, why Crystal Methyd? Out of all of the people, why her? Right now, you may be thinking I have a really intense hatred for Crystal. Except I don't. An old saying says that you can only hate what is dear to you, but I don't even care that much about Crystal. She's so quiet... sometimes I even forget she goes to my school. I mean, that sounds bad, but whatever.

And now you may be thinking something along the lines of: ''Well, Gigi. If you think she's so odd and kooky, then perhaps you can use having her as your roommate, as an opportunity to mold her into someone similar to you. Wrong! I've made many people over before: in fact, when Jackie and Plastique arrived to Granada Hills, they were nobodies; but I saw Plastique's poise and Jackie's wit, and knew they had great potential. So I invited them to begin hanging out with me, and ever since then, we've been the most envied clique here. But with Crystal... I don't know. Look, this isn't necessarily something I'm proud of, but I used to be fascinated by Crystal Methyd. I've studied her for a long time, and, trust me, she's irreversibly damaged. So, if in 8 months of studying, I haven't been able to change her; I doubt I will be able to do it in 1 week.

But there isn't much I can do about it: she is going to be my roommate, I can't change that. So pretty much all I can do is put a big ass smile in my face, and fake it until I make it.

After 1 hour and a half of riding the bus, I arrived home. As soon as I crossed the entrance door, I ran through the narrow hall, straight to my room, in an attempt to avoid my parents at all costs. Mainly because I knew that, if I did approach them to greet them, they'd probably find the most superficial thing to criticize me on. And I say it purely from past experiences.

I entered my room and exaltedly threw the door behind me. I jumped onto my bed, and reached for the thick book that was on top of my light table. But as soon as I was about to begin reading, my phone dinged in signal of a new notification. I deeply sighed, as I picked up and unlocked my phone. New text message from Plastique and Jackie.

Plastique: Hey girlies!!

Plastique: Who did you guys get paired up with for the WW?

Jackie: I believe her name is Jan Sport??? I think I take Calculus with her

Plastique: Lucky you! Jan's a sweetheart you'll totally get along

Plastique: Meanwhile I got paired up with Widow Von'du. She seems poised but the fact she hangs out with losers is so fucked up

Jackie: :(

Jackie: How about you Geeg?

Plastique: Yeah who did the grumpy old man pair you up with?

I love my girls, but they simply just can't interrupt my reading time. Especially if it's to ask a dumb question like that one. I roll my eyes, selflessly, as I type a brief text message. Immediately after sending it, I put the phone down and continue with my reading.

Gigi: Crystal Methyd

Jackie: 😲😲😲

Plastique: WHAT?!

Jackie: Well at least Crystal's nice right?

Plastique: Yeah sure if we ignore the fact she's one of the weirdest kids in our class then yeah, she's nice

Jackie: Jeez, Plas. Don't be like that

Plastique: I'm sorry but it's the naked truth

Plastique: Gigi I don't know what are you gonna do but you literally need to avoid being seen near that lemon

I laughed at loud as I read this last text message. Who did Plastique think she is to tell me what to do and not to do? Girl, I invented you. Go brush your hair, bitch. Go brush your hair.

I spent the next 3 hours locked in my room, like the bookworm I am. And even though I didn't like the sound of it, I knew that, at some point of the evening, I'd have to leave my room and see me face to face with my parents. And that moment had finally arrived at 6 pm, when I got hungry. I walked to the kitchen to get a quick snack, but unfortunately, ran into my mom making a sandwich for my dad.

''Hey Gen. How's tricks?'' My mom said, in an attempt of a friendly tone, but without even looking at my face. Ugh, I hate it when she calls me Gen, and she knows this. She's literally the only person who calls me that, besides my dad.

''Erm, I'm fine. I have my first ever WW next week, I'm pretty excited.'' I said, as I opened the fridge. I tried to keep it as small talk as possible, but I had to tell her that at some point.

''Oh, that's great! You know, it's a relief that your school trip is to Alaska, and not the beach, because you'd probably wear the tiniest bikini you own, since you're such a floosy.'' My dad added, as he walked by the kitchen.

My jaw dropped as soon as I heard my dad's words. He had said things like that to me before, but still, I was very surprised that he said that.

''Dad, I know you did not just say that to me.''

''Oh, Gen, your father's right. It sounds bad, but whatever: You're a huge slut. I'm actually impressed you haven't been harassed by a boy before. But even if you had, it would probably be a compliment because...'' I stopped listening to what my mom said after that, because I immediately ran to my room, trying to hold back the tears. I locked my door, and cried my eyes out. I couldn't believe my parents had just said that. It was unbelievable. I felt like I didn't belong there. I didn't even know if that was my home anymore. And the worst part was that I had no one to vent. 

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