chapter 4

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Crystal's POV

The day had finally arrived. It was finally Thursday, which meant today we'd be traveling to Alaska by bus. Mr. Dankworth had told us we'd be traveling today so we could have some extra time to get to know the place and our roommate better. As soon as I stepped out of the car, and waved goodbye to my mom, I could already feel the adrenaline. I skipped my way to my classroom, where I saw Jaida and Widow, and right next to them, Gigi and her two friends. As soon as my friends noticed me, they gestured me to approach them, while Gigi just looked down.

''Hey pretty! Who are you gonna share a cottage with for the rest of the week?'' Jaida questioned. Before answering her, I turned my head slightly to the right, to glance at Gigi. She was laughing and she looked gorgeous per usual. I couldn't help but blush.

''...Gigi Goode.'' I chuckled.

''Crystal, are you blushing?'' Widow said, touching my cheek with the back of her hand.

''Oh my gosh, you're totally blushing!'' Jaida exclaimed, and I told her to tone it down.

''Well, you shouldn't. That posh bitch is a huge snob. Let's just hope she doesn't turn you into one of them.'' Widow added, as she glanced at Gigi's clique.

''I don't know, guys... She seems like a nice girl.'' I replied, as I glanced at Gigi one more time.

''Child, you're only saying that because you have a crush on her.'' Jaida scoffed.

''Jaida and I know what we're telling you, Crys. That girl's trouble. Don't let her good looks fool you.'' Widow told me, right before the two of them left, and walked to their seats.

The rest of the day was interminable; but when the classes did end, I got thrilled. For the first time in hours, I looked at Gigi from the corner of my eye, I almost passed out when I realized she was looking at me too, and I finally got deceased when I heard Mr. Dankworth say these angelical words.

''Okay, students: class dismissed. Now you have the rest of the hour to chat with your roommate.''

I turned to Gigi and, for the first time ever, our eyes met. She was even more delightful when she looked at me. I finally realized I was daydreaming, and awkwardly stood up, as I walked towards Gigi's seat.

''Hi, I'm Crystal Methyd. We're roommates, I think.'' I said, as I pulled a chair, and sat next to Gigi. She smelled really good: like expensive perfume, or peaches. Maybe both.

''I already know you, dummy.'' Gigi laughed: was she laughing at or with me? And she called me dummy! Was that a bad thing? I hope not.

''Oh, duh. Sorry, I am a dummy, I guess.'' I said, and Gigi smiled at me. Jaida and Widow had no idea what they were talking about. Gigi was indeed an angel, and not a bitch at all.

''So, do you like Alaska?'' Gigi asked me, after a long, long, awkward pause.

''I've actually never been there. I'm really looking forward to this trip.'' I replied, right away.

''Oh... Cool.'' Gigi said, as she looked away. I know she didn't mean to be rude, but you could literally cut the tension between us with a butter knife. This was not good.

''I'm happy that you'll be sharing a cottage with me. I bet it'll make my first experience so much better...'' I said, in an attempt to make things between us less awkward.

''Excuse me?'' Gigi said, at sea.

''Erm, sorry. I...I've gotta go.'' I said, as I tried to pick up my stuff to leave to my seat. Unfortunately, me being the clumsy dork I am, I disastrously dropped my books on the floor. My cheeks turned scarlet red, and I immediately kneeled down to pick up my books. Gigi kneeled down too to help me, and my heart skipped a beat when her silken hand touched mine.

''Can I talk to you for a second?'' Gigi asked me, as soon as she finished helping me pick up my stuff. I almost passed out, but I tried my best to keep my composure.

''Sure.'' As soon as I answered her, her smooth hands touched mine again, and she pulled my arm, as she led me to a corner in the classroom. Everyone was too busy chatting with their partner, so they didn't even notice us. We could literally be hooking up in this same corner, and no one would notice. Hmm... I wish we were. That would definitely make things between us less awkward.

''Look, Crystal: I know you and me aren't the best of friends, but we need to get rid of this tension somehow, if we want to have a nice time at the WW. What do you think?'' Gigi said, as she offered me another one of her friendly smiles.

''Sure, Gigi. I'm open to getting to know someone like you better.'' I answered, and reached my hand out.

''Likewise.'' She answered, gently shaking my hand.

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