chapter 6

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Gigi's POV

''So... Crystal, what do you like to do for fun?'' After an hour and a half of helping her unpack, like the sweet angel I am, Crystal and I had barely even spoken to each other. It was a relief: because I had saved myself from hearing her nonsense for a whole hour and a half; but also a condemnation: because, at some point, we would have to talk to each other, whether I liked it or not. And, at last, that moment had arrived.

''Well, I like baking, painting... Oh, and also clothes-making! I'm a very good seamstress.'' Finally, something we have in common! Ugh, I hate the fact that we share an interest, though.

''I like sewing too, but I suck at it.'' I confessed.

''Don't say that. I'm sure you don't. Plus, I can teach you any day if you'd like.'' Crystal politely offered. That was sweet of her, but I think she misunderstood me: I didn't ask for sewing classes, especially if she's the teacher.

This turned awkward, really quick: we chatted for about 10 more minutes, but then everything became tense, and there wasn't much I could do to fix that. I opened the first drawer of my nightstand, to pull out an arousing, scarlet red satin pair of panties, and needle and thread, and began to mend the hole in them.

I could tell Crystal was watching me do it, and I can't say I didn't feel intimidated by that: I mean, she still was Crystal Methyd, the kooky and weird kid; but now, she was also Crystal Methyd, the good seamstress. I must've been too deep in thought to realize the needle was close to my index finger because I ended up poking myself with the needle.

''Motherfucker, that hurt!'' I cried in pain. Crystal got startled, and immediately approached my side of the bed, to check on me.

''Are you okay? Oh my god, you're bleeding! I'll go get you a band-aid.'' Crystal exclaimed, and she shot to the bathroom.

''I... Girl, if you're going to ask me a question, at least let me answer it first!'' I scoffed. I found it kind of funny, though: the odd relationship between Crystal Methyd and I... Even though she was such a dead loss, I now found her less of a weirdo, and more charming. And the fact that I felt like this made me sick to my stomach.

A few moments later, Crystal returned from the bathroom, with a single band-aid on her hands. She sat on the bed, next to me, and wrapped it around my bleeding finger. It was kind of awkward, since my hands were on top of my lap, and on my lap were my red satin panties. I don't know why, but I didn't hate the fact that my panties were visible to Crystal. It's as if they were a part of my intimacy that I was willing to show her. I don't know how to explain it... It's so weird: My whole life, I've found Crystal Methyd repulsive; but suddenly now, every time I'm close to her, I get tingles everywhere in my body, and I somehow end up laughing at her follies. What I feel with Crystal... I've never felt it with anyone. Ever. Maybe, just maybe, we're soulmates. What? No, Gigi, don't say that: you're a straight girl. And even if you were into girls, you'd never notice Crystal.

''Thank you.'' I said, when she finished curing my hurt, with a smile on my face. This time, a real one.

''No problem, doll.'' She replied, as she returned to her side of the bed. When she sat, I took her arm, and pulled her closer. I noticed her cheeks turn red, and that she began to shake a little, so I realized she was probably just as tense as I was.

''Crystal, I just wanted to apologize for being such a bitch to you lately. I don't know what's with me... but I wanted to let you know that I respect you a lot, and I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better.'' This wasn't fake anymore. As much as it hurts to admit it, I was really talking from the heart when I said that. And I think Crystal got that.

''Don't worry, Gigi. You had a bad day, and that's okay. You're out of the woods now! And I accept your apology, and I really want to get to know you better too.'' Crystal shyly brought her hand closer to mine, and I corresponded her, leading to a nice and platonic handhold.

I never thought I'd be saying something like this, but I would've loved to keep talking to Crystal, but sadly, an incoming phone call ruined the moment. I angrily picked up my phone, and walked outside the room for a bit. I unlocked my phone, and I literally couldn't believe my eyes when I read the contact name. I scoffed, and furiously picked up the call.

''Why the fuck are you calling me?''

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