chapter 7

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Gigi's POV

''Why the fuck are you calling me?''

''What? I can't call my baby every once in a while?'' His disgusting, rough voice asked. I can't say I had missed his voice. I hadn't missed him at all.

''Okay, first of all: I'm not your baby, I never have been, and I never will. My name is Genevieve Goode. Second, you have a terrible notion of time because it has been 7 months since the last time you called, and I would've liked to keep it that way because Samuel Finch: in these whole 7 months, I haven't missed you. Not even a tad bit, not even a lot. So you can use my helpful advice, and phone another poor girl who'll hopefully believe your lies, because, honestly, I've had it with your bullshit.'' I whisper-shouted at the phone, to avoid Crystal hearing me yell, and immediately hanged up.

I entered the room back again, praying Crystal didn't hear me screaming at the phone, but unfortunately, she did.


Crystal's POV

''Not to sound invasive of your privacy, but I have to ask who is this gentleman you were yelling at the phone to?'' I asked as soon as Gigi walked through the door. I had her red satin panties on my lap because I had been mending them; I didn't think Gigi would mind, or at least I hoped she didn't. She sighed and left herself fall onto the bed, right before answering my question.

''Oh, no one important. abusive ex-boyfriend.'' She mumbled. My eyes opened like two wide plates and my jaw dropped.

''WHAT?! What do you mean by abusive ex-boyfriend?'' I questioned.

''So, his name is Samuel Finch, we dated since July of last year, but I really wasn't happy in that relationship: he'd manipulate me and embarrass me horribly and whenever I complained, he'd apololie and promise me he wouldn't do it again, but do it again within the next week. Until one day, he just... forgot about me and just stopped calling.'' Gigi explained to me.

''Gigi, baby... I'm so sorry, darling.'' I comforted her, putting my hand on her thighs.

''Thanks, Crys. It means a lot, really.'' She smiled at me and I did the same, and we locked eyes for a moment.

''Well, it's all okay now: I'm over him, I SWEAR!'' Gigi scoffed, standing up and throwing her hands in the air. I laughed, as I jokingly fought her.


Gigi's POV

After hanging out with Crystal for a while, we decided to go outside for a walk around the cottages. It was all pretty simple: series of cottages altogether, illuminated by small light strips; but to me, it seemed magical. Next to Crystal, everything did.

Until suddenly, the unexpected happened: out of nowhere, Samuel appeared in front of Crystal and me and scared the fuck out of us.

''Gigi, my love: please, just give me a chance. I've changed, I promise you that.'' He said as he got closer to Crystal and me. He opened his arms and hugged me tightly, but I managed to get out of his embrace.

''Sam, get off me! I already told you on the phone earlier: I don't want you in my life ever again.'' I yelled and right after that, I stepped on his foot with all my strengths.

''Oh, Gigi, you're even hotter when you get mad. Little do you know: the more you treat me cruel, you're just adding fuel to the fire!'' He moaned in pain. Then, he tried to hold me between his arms, except this time, it was harder and tighter: I couldn't get out.

''Fuck you, Sam!'' I tried to push his arms off of me, but it was tough: I was strong, but he was even stronger. Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Crystal: she was fuming angry; and just when I was about to give in, she did the unexpected.

''Hey, buddy! Are you deaf or something? SHE SAID SHE'S NOT INTERESTED! Why don't men understand anything about consent?'' Crystal said and managed to push Sam off of me. She pushed him hard: so hard that he fell on his butt onto the hard, cold pavement. That's gonna leave a bruise.

''Who are you, bitch?! Is this your girlfriend, Gigi? Huh, is this who you're leaving me for?! I thought you were normal, Gigi...'' He said, standing up from the ground. For some odd reason, this completely threw me off. It was weird: I was so strong and brave the whole time, but it was Crystal getting called my girlfriend that made me feel so weak. I didn't know how to feel about it, but I didn't hate it. That's for sure.

''Uhm, Sam: her name's Crystal, and she's not my girlfriend. But even if she was, that wouldn't make either of us less normal. Homosexuality is present in over 50 species, but homophobia only in one. Come on, Crys. Let's go.'' I stated, with my most confident voice (which was still a little shaky), and immediately after, pulled Crystal's arm and headed to our cottage.

''I'm sorry for that, Crystal. He's such a dick... Now you see why we broke up in the first place'' I muttered, and let out a sob. My arms, hands and knees shook like jelly, and my teeth chattered.

''It's okay, Geeg. You're right: he is a dick, but it's completely not your fault. On the other hand, seeing you stand up for yourself and say those things to Sam was totally hot.'' Crystal comforted me, and I burst into laughter. That was one of the things I liked the most about her: she could make me cackle, no matter how bad was I feeling.

''Thanks for everything, Crys.''

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