chapter 21

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Crystal's POV

I was sitting in bed, adding the last few details to Gigi's gift. I hope she doesn't think I've forgotten about what she told me the other day: ''prove to me that you love me''. Maybe she said it without meaning it just because she was mad, but still, I feel the need to prove it to her for once and for all. I have given her all kinds of silly little gifts before: well, gifts that at least I consider silly, she saves and treasures all of them; but this one is going to be different. I have been working on it for a while now, and I really, really hope she likes it...

Suddenly, my phone took me out of my fantasy by letting out a ding in signal of a new notification.

Gigi: Hey Ms. Methyd

Crystal: Hello Ms. Goode

Gigi: You're going to be a Mrs. Goode too at some point, you know?

Crystal: What makes you think you won't be a Mrs. Methyd instead?

Gigi: Hmm you're right

Gigi: Anyways hottie what are you doing?

Crystal: Not much... I'm just bored at my cottage missing you lots :(

Gigi: I can come over if you want...

Crystal: Yeah sure, just to give that grump another reason to hate us

Gigi: Crystal don't be like that... We can always meet up somewhere else than in the cottage

Crystal: Doll I'd love to, but I already made plans with my friends :(

Okay, that was obviously a lie, but at least it was a white one. I could not allow Gigi to come here right now. It'd ruin the surprise!

Gigi: It's fine Crys I'll just go fuck Sam or something

Crystal: WHAT

Gigi: Crystal I'm kidding!!!! Men disgust me


Gigi's POV

Crystal was busy hanging out with her friends, and I would've called Jackie to do the same thing, but I was pretty sure she was kind of tired of me already. But what could I possibly do? She's my only friend! And this isn't the first grade: I can't simply go and make more friends... With almost no other option, I decided to go outside for a walk around the cottages to get some fresh air. I love Crystal more than anything in the world, and I would've liked to enjoy this moment along her as well; but on the other hand, it was nice to have a little time for myself too; because before Crystal and Gigi, there was Gigi. I would've continue to wander around and enjoy the view, if it hadn't been because I heard the noise of someone crying. It wasn't heard very far, so I looked around, and managed to make out the silhouette of a slim girl hidden behind the bushes. I approached her, slowly and trying to let her know that I wasn't going to hurt her, but found the last person I thought I'd find.

''Plastique?!'' I yelled in surprise, as I tried to make sure that it was her.

''Gigi? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else with your... trashy girlfriend or something?'' Plastique said, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, and trying to toughen up; but unfortunately for her, it didn't work. I had already seen enough.

''What are you doing here? In the middle of nowhere, hidden behind a bush and crying?!''

''I had a mental breakdown 1 hour ago, so I decided to go out for a walk around the cottages, but I got lost. And then everything started to pile up like a snowball, pun intended, and I kept on crying, and now here I am, freezing the fuck out of me.'' Plastique said, making me laugh.

''Come on, Plas... Let's go to my cottage: I have a bunch of blankets in there, so we can watch a movie in bed and you can tell me what happened more in detail, okay?'' I said, helping her get up.

''Ew, why are you even helping me? I've been, like, super mean to you ever since we got here?''

''So? Girls supporting girls: You're a girl and I'm a girl, and you're in a situation where you need support. Plus, I know you'd do the same for me.''

''Well...'' Plastique joked, and we laughed all the way to my cottage.

''So, now that we're here... Would you feel comfortable sharing what happened with me?'' I said, sitting down on my bed, and covering my legs with the blanket Plastique and I were sharing.

''Yeah, totally. So, basically, I started panicking because I hadn't realized until now that I treat everyone so poorly, and now I became, like, super self-conscious. And when I got lost outside, a lot of bad thoughts came to me like ''if I died here, I'd actually be making a favor to the world, since I'm a waste of fucking oxygen'', and...'' Plastique began saying, but her voice started to crack and tears slid through her cheeks.

''...I became so uneasy, Gigi, because it's somewhat true: I'm such a rotted cunt. I'm a disgusting person, I don't even deserve to live, sorry...'' She lowered her head to prevent me from seeing her tears. Poor Plas, she didn't dare show vulnerability.

''Hey, it's okay...'' I said, petting her cheek.

''And don't say that, because it isn't true. I love you. You're so deserving of love, and I know you better than anyone, so I know that you project all your struggles through bitchiness towards others. I'm not justifying it, but I'm your friend, so along with Jackie, we can definitely work this through.'' I said, holding my friend's hand.

''Gigi, I'm really, really sorry for being so mean to Crystal; please let her know that I think she's amazing and the one for you, and that you have all of my best wishes.''

''Don't worry, Plas. I'll let her know.''

''The only reason I was acting so weird about your relationship was purely internalized homophobia because I used to think gay was bad, and I could not believe that my best friend was that; but I've done my research, and... gosh, I've never said this aloud before, but... I think I'm kind of into girls myself???''

''Oh, Plastique, baby!'' I said, hugging my friend, something I hadn't called Plastique in a long, long time, but this time, I meant it. It's almost as if the old Plastique was left in the past, and I had just met the new Plastique. Hmm, who would've thought? You can make friends after the first grade!

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