chapter 16

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Gigi's POV

''Gigi, darling, are you sure you're ready for me?'' Crystal asked me, while she tempted me by circling the pad of her thumb around my rose nipples. She was driving me crazy: she was doing so good for her first time. Crystal had me begging her for more and more, I couldn't even resist her.

''Y-Yes, Crys. I need you.'' I said, with my last breath. Right after I said that Crystal proceeded to leave moist kisses all over my slender figure, and when I say all over it, I mean it: on my neck, chest, abdomen, legs, and... well, you get the point.

I was in heaven, truly. Unlike Crystal, this wasn't my first time doing this: I've had sex before, but never something like this. The first time I did it was the day after I turned 15, with a jock, who's name isn't important, at school. We sneaked out of class and did it in the school gymnasium cold, hard floor. I didn't even enjoy it: I was practically forced to do things I didn't feel like doing, and I felt more like a sex toy rather than, you know, a human being.

But this time... This time was different: this time it was all consensual, maybe even too consensual, taking into account Crystal would ask me ''Is this okay?'' or ''Do you still want to do this?'' every 5 minutes, but it was okay: I'd rather have Crystal constantly worrying about me, and making sure that I feel comfortable; than to have her try to compel me to do something against my will. This was our idyll: just Crystal and I's moment, just the two of us, having fun, without even counting the minutes, but making every second last.

Until something happened. A thought crossed my mind. A long lost memory I thought I had buried eons ago. Suddenly, I felt a warm tear slide through my cheek. And then another one. And another one. Soon, tears were flowing down my cheeks nonstop. Next, I accidentally let out a whine, immediately catching Crystal's attention, as she stopped what she was doing to me.

''Gigi, are you okay? Baby, what's wrong? Do you want to stop? We can stop now if you want to!-'' She asked me, concerned.

''No, Crys, sorry. I swear it's not because of you! It's just... Having sex always brings me back to that bad memory.'' I muttered while Crystal walked away for a second, and entered the walking closet.

''Would you feel comfortable sharing that memory with me?'' Crystal said when she returned with a red blanket. She wrapped my upper body in it, leaving my long, naked legs bare.

''Yes, of course: you're the person I trust the most right now, duh'' I said, and Crystal gave me a comforting smile.

''Okay, so: When I was 15, I used to be a cheerleader, and in one of the football matches, I met Sam, who was a quarterback and 16 at the time. We began to talk, and he used to say all these nice things to me, but we never did anything, not even kiss or date. Until one day, he told me to meet him at the school gymnasium because he had something important to ask me. I excitedly went to the school gym, thinking he'd ask me out...'' I began saying, and Crystal nodded.

''But I was so unaware of what was to come... He received me in his underwear and began to kiss my neck and undress me. I was still a virgin at the time, but I gave in because I thought he was the right person to lose my virginity to. Oh, boy, was I wrong... After about half an hour of doing it, I got tired and asked Sam to stop, but he refused to. And then, unexpectedly, a bunch of his jock friends, of which I didn't know most of them, appeared from behind the bleachers and started to get undressed, and...'' My voice cracked. My eyes became glassy again, and a lump formed in my throat. Crystal saw me breaking, so she held my hand, squeezed it, and kissed it.

''...And they raped me, Crys. All 5 or 10 of them, I don't remember; but what I do remember is feeling so filthy for months, I'd shower more than 5 times a day. I've never told anyone about this: not my parents, not my friends, not even Jackie: you are the first person to know this, at least from me. And, so, now, I cried, not because you did something similar to what those guys did to me, quite the opposite: I would've liked to lose my virginity to you instead; but because... I haven't felt this good, this free while having sex since... ever.'' I said, with tears in my eyes.

''Gigi, my love, since the first time we talked, you were the bravest person I've known, but now that you've shared your story with me, I think you're even more courageous. You're not alone, Gigi: I'm lucky enough to never have gone through any similar experience, so I can't exactly say I've felt like this before, but I feel sorry for you and I admire you very much. You're so brave, courageous, plucky, heroic, that it brings me to tears to hear you talk about this...-'' Crystal said, but was immediately interrupted by something, or rather someone, opening the door sharply.''

''What's going in here?! Ladies!'' Mr. Dankworth gasped and covered his eyes as soon as he saw Crystal and I's naked bodies.

''Homosexual intercourse?! This is unacceptable... AND a sin! You two put some goddamn clothes on: I'll be back in an hour to give you details on the severe punishment you'll receive.'' He said, as he turned back around and slammed the door.

''But how... How did he get in?! I thought you had locked the door?? And how did he know we were having sex? Who told him?!'' Crystal began asking questions, as she pulled items of clothing out of her and my drawers. Suddenly, my face brightened, and my mind cleared, like when in cartoons, they draw a lightbulb over the character's head, in a signal of them having an idea. Next, Crystal's face also illuminated, and her eyes opened like two wide plates.

''Plastique.'' Crystal and I said in unison. 

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