chapter 12

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Crystal's POV

''You two, couple of morons!'' I heard a familiar voice said, as I woke up. I was laying down on the spacious bed in Gigi and I's cottage. As my ajar eyes slowly opened, I recognized Mr. Dankworth standing next to me, and Gigi sitting in the back chair, with a guilty expression on her face. I sat down and my hands immediately went to the back of my head, which hurt madly.

''What were you even thinking, ladies?! Ha, wait, let me reformulate that: what was I thinking when I let there be alcohol at the party?'' Mr. Dankworth scoffed.

''I barely drank...'' I said, hoarsely.

''Yeah, sure, Crystal.'' He scoffed again, as he patted my shoulder.

''Well, ladies: I'm going to leave now because apparently, you take great care of yourselves, and it's really not my problem anymore.'' He said, and then he turned around and left the room. Immediately after, Gigi stood up from her chair and sat on the corner of the bed.

''Crystal, can we talk?'' She said. Gigi had to gesture most of that sentence because she barely had any voice left.

''Yes, Gigi, I'd love to'' I said with a warm, comforting smile, and she gave me one as well. I wanted to let Gigi know that, even though what she had done was extremely immature, I (almost) wasn't mad at her anymore.

''I really can't even find the right words to apologize for my actions yesterday. That was, by far, the most childish thing I've ever done, but I imagine that, as my closest friend, you'll be interested in my side of the story as well.'' Gigi said, with a very serious look on her face.

''Oh, yes, please'' I said, interested, as I leaned closer to her.

''Well, it all started when I left your side to get a drink. At the drinks table, I met Samuel, who, somehow, managed to enchant me with his charms and I gave in. Then, he got me drunk, and I guess must've slipped something into my cup too. I wasn't being myself at all yesterday.''

''It's okay, Geeg, I forgive you, but don't do that ever again. I'm serious, you got me so worried.'' I said, looking at her in the eye.

''I promise I won't, Crys.'' She said, also looking at me in the eye, but also smiling. Then, she reached for my hand and squeezed it.

''Hey, on another note... Yesterday, while you were tipsy, you said... you said you wanted to be more than just friends. Is that true or was it just the effects of the alcohol on you?''

''Well, of course, I want us to be more than friends with you, Crystal... I want us to be SUPER BEST FRIENDS... FOREVER!'' Gigi said, in a super high-pitched voice, trying to mock mine.''

''Damn you, Gigi Goode!'' I screamed, as I jokingly pushed Gigi down on the bed, and she immediately rose.

''Uhh... a bit of both, I guess? I mean, they say the truth comes out when you're drunk, after all.'' She chuckled nervously.

''So, would you say there's a little bit of fact in the fiction.''

''Some faction? Yeah, very that.'' She laughed and pulled me closer to kiss me.


Gigi's POV

Crystal Methyd is the love of my life. I'm not afraid of saying it aloud anymore: Crystal's the girl of my dreams, my crush, my soulmate... And I do want her to be my girlfriend, but I have to take care of something first. Or rather, someone. So, after 2 hours of hanging out with Crystal, I took a decision: to face the problem right away. There was I: standing outside Sam's cottage, freezing the fuck out of me, but it didn't matter, because it was my burning love for Crystal that kept me warm.

''Gigi, my love, what... what are you doing here?!'' Samuel nervously chuckled as soon as he opened the door, and scratched his nape. Does he think I'm stupid?! I can clearly see the reddish hickeys all over his chest and neck, and the half-naked girl on his bed, that he tried to cover from me.

''Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to take much time from you and your... erm, friend. I just wanted to tell you, for once and for all, that we're done. As in, through. Forever. You're toxic. And a huge dumbass.'' I stated as I leaned against the wall.

''Well, I never loved you... And I cheated on you!'' He tried to toughen up but failed.

''Whatever! So did I. With Crystal, the girl who defended me the other day. Yeah! That's right. I'm in love with her. Bye, Sam.'' I blew a kiss at him, as I threw the door. After months of wanting to do it, finally managing to say those words aloud made me feel so free and released. Who would've thought? I was victorious in this situation!

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