chapter 18

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Gigi's POV

It has been some many hours since Crystal kicked me out of her cottage. Or, well, some many hours since she politely asked me to leave, if you will. I don't even understand why she did it: I mean, sure, I wasn't really supposed to be there either, but Crystal Methyd isn't the kind of girl to avoid trouble at all costs. So, why did she do it then? Does she need time to be alone? Does she need time to think? If she does, what is she thinking about? Leaving me? Oh, gasp! What if she kicked me out to sneak another girl in? Oh, fuck, I'm overthinking this issue way too much! Anyhow, I miss her dearly. She's always on my mind, specially whenever we're far away from each other like now: Crystal's head on my lap, and my hand gently caressing her fleecy, smooth skin, as I run my long fingers through each and every ringlet in her head.

I groaned, as I rolled from one side of the bed to the other, and pressed the fluffy pillow against my face, as I let out a huge, thunderous whimper. Crystal, if by any chance you can hear my thoughts, please do me a favor and come here right now, cuddle me and tell me all of this is a bad dream.

My begs were suddenly disturbed by my phone dinging in signal of a new incoming text. I didn't want to pick it up: I knew it wasn't Crystal. She'd never apologize via text message, she'd probably send a huge bouquet of flowers and chocolate to my cottage, she's so cheesy, and that's probably the thing I love the most about her. Gosh, I miss her so much...

Almost reluctantly, I finally lifted my phone from the wooden nightstand next to my bed where it lied. I unlocked it, and found myself with a text message from an unknown sender. But not any text message: one that really, really got me concerned.

Unknown: Do you know where's Crystal?

Gigi: ?? Who's this?

Unknown: Widow Von'du, I'm Crystal's friend

Gigi: Oh yeah, I've seen you hanging out with her before

Widow: Whatever blonde, that's beside the point

Widow: Is she around with you?

Gigi: No why would she be?

Widow: Umm, I don't know. Maybe because she's your GIRLFRIEND?!

Widow: I swear if you're playing with her little heart right now I will personally make sure to make your life a nightmare from now on

''Oh, sweetheart: It already is. It has always been.'' I thought to myself.

Gigi: No not at all. Don't worry about it

Gigi: I mean why would she be near me? I'm probably the last person she wants to see right now

Widow: AHA! So you did do something to her!

Gigi: No it's not like that... You know what, forget it, it's whatever. But she isn't here with me if that answers your question

Widow: Thanks, it does

Gigi: Please let me know if you find her

I sighed resoundingly, as I firmly grasped my phone against my chest, and stared at the ceiling, falling into a deep sleep almost immediately. My sleep, as it was expected, was interrupted once again. Of course, it's more than obvious that I don't have any privacy whatsoever at this point. This time, it was a phone call. Hmm, weird, no one ever calls me, except, like, my parents whenever they feel the need to know how am I. Correction: whenever they feel guilty for 16 years of bad parenting.

''Mmm... hello?'' I said as soon as I picked up the call, without even looking at the contact name. At this point, what was the point of doing so.

''Hey belle, quick question: Um, where the fudge are you?'' I heard Jackie's voice say, with a severe tone, which made me chuckle.

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