chapter 9

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Crystal's POV

Yesterday was the best day of my life, I'm not kidding. Finally, after months and months of wanting to do it, I kissed Gigi. Holy shit, I kissed Gigi Goode! We haven't talked much about our feelings towards each other, though; but I think that yesterday's kiss spoke louder than words. Also, something tells me that won't be our last kiss...

''Crystal! Crystal, wake up! CRYSTAL!'' I heard a familiar voice call my name in the distance. Was I dreaming? I woke up suddenly, quivering. Nope, real life. I saw Gigi's angelical face staring at me, and inaudibly mumbling to me.

''Hey, gorg. Hurry up! We have until 10 am to go eat breakfast, and it's 9:30 am!'' Gigi declared as she helped me get out of bed. It was clear that she had woken up before me: she was dressed in a yellow, green, and blue checked dress, white high knee socks, and white heels with straps around the ankle. Also, her long, glossy blond tufts cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She looked adorbs.

After staring at Gigi, hypnotized, for a long, long time, I began picking my clothes for the day: bell-bottom jeans, a red ribbed v-neck top, and black leather ankle boots. My outfit wasn't any similar to Gigi's, I'd dare to say they're opposite, but still, I thought I looked cute in my outfit. Not as cute as Geeg, of course, but still presentable.

''I'm surprised you woke me up, instead of just leaving me here, and going to the dining room by yourself'' I said, taking my pajamas off.

''...Why would I do that?'' Gigi said, irritably, as she turned around.

''Your friends loathe me. Don't think I don't hear what Plastique and Jackie tell you: they talk about how I'm a huge loser and a disappointment to my school, about how Widow and Jaida have only befriended me because they pity me, about how your reputation is going to be stained forever for hanging out with me, and about...'' I explained.

''Crystal!'' Gigi screamed my name. ''I don't think that! Neither does Jackie, Plastique only says that shit because she swears she's the leader of the clique, which she's not, and that, for some odd reason, that gives the right to opine about everybody's lives. Did I think that you were all that at some point? Yes. Did I say those bad things about you at some point? Also yes. Did I change my mind when I got to know you better? YES. So don't even care about what Plastique says, because all that hatred towards you comes from all her pain and insecurity.'' Gigi explained. I could see her hold back her tears, so I figured out there was something, much deeper, that messing with her head.

''Gigi, is there something wrong?'' I approached her and embraced her with my arms.

''There is... but there's no time to talk about it right now. Breakfast time is about to-...''

''GIGI, I DON'T CARE ABOUT BREAKFAST! I'd rather starve myself to death than to see you suffer. Now, tell me what's wrong. You know you can trust me.''

''My life isn't as easy as it seems... My parents have mistreated me my whole life, and so has my ex-boyfriend. Everyone at school knows me, but they don't know my struggle. Everyone ''knows me'', but my only real friend is Jackie, she's the only one who genuinely cares about me; while Plastique only hangs out with me because of my popularity. I know I don't seem like it, but I'm intimidated by our classmates, just as much as you are.''

''Wow, Gigi, I...had no idea. But that's not true: Jackie's not your only friend. I'm your friend too! I know it's hard to face the real world, especially when your every move is being judged by so many people; but, as a friend, I can guarantee you: you're not alone. We're on this together.'' I comforted Gigi.

''Thank you, Crys. I needed this.'' Gigi whispered in my ear.


Gigi's POV

I felt verily good after opening up to Crystal: she had grown to be one of my closest friends, and a true confidant of mine. Right after, we headed to the dining room. Plastique full-on petrified when she saw us walking together, while Jackie just smiled and winked at us. Crystal and I were just sitting down at a table away from the door when my phone buzzed in a signal of a new text message.

Plastique: What do you think you're doing?????!!

Gigi: Uhm eating breakfast with a friend why?

Plastique: Did you just call Kooky Methyd your friend?

Gigi: Damn right I did. What are you gonna do about it Plas?

Plastique: Gigi I swear to god you've lost your mind

Gigi: Whatever you say gorg <3

''Sorry...It was just Plastique. What a bother!'' I told Crystal, as I put my phone away.

''Why don't you just get rid of her?'' Crystal asked, intrigued.

''Uhh... Honestly, both Jackie and I have tried, but for some reason, she always manages to come back.'' I explained.


Crystal's POV

Right before Gigi and I were about to leave the dining room and head to our cottage, someone pulled my arm to the opposite side to the door. I was about to scream until I realized it was just Widow and Jaida.

''Oh, hi guys! Long time, no see! How's everything going for you? Are you enjoying your stay?'' I joyfully greet them.

''Crystal, why the fuck are you hanging out with that floozy?'' Widow aggressively asked.

''Uhh... ''Gigi.'' I correct her. ''I've gotten to know her better, and I've realized she's a lot nicer than what she comes off as. I really like her.''

''Did you not retain anything of what we told you earlier in your pink little brain?'' Jaida said, with her arms crossed.

''Yes, but like I told you, we've gotten the chance to speak more, and she's a really good person. She told me earlier that before she had said some really hurtful things about me too, and I forgave her.'' I explained.

''I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're only saying this because you have a crush on her.'' Jaida mocked me.

''Actually, it is kind of a mutual thing: Yesterday... we kissed!'' I whisper-shouted, excitedly.

''But I thought she was straight...'' Widow shockingly said.

''So did I, but I guess you never know with Gigi Goode!'' I said, right before turning around and walking out next to Gigi.

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