Chapter 8

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Everyone hugged Clary and promised to call and check up on her. I decided to walk them out since I needed to talk to Simon about mundane engagements.

"Clary, I need to talk to Simon about some mundane men customs I do not understand so I need his point of view."

"Okay. I need to call Holly about an assignment we need to work on."

Simon looked at me but did not question me. I kissed Clary and followed the others out.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Simon asked me with curiosity in his voice.

"Well, you all might as well hear what I have to talk to Simon about. I am going to ask Clary to marry me, but I want to do it the mundane way, so I need your help."

"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe you are proposing."

"Actually, I was going to do it at Alec and Magnus's wedding, but Clary interrupted me and then ran off. She already knew that she was going to lose her memories. Now I am going to do it, but I want to follow mundane traditions down to the wedding."

"It is not that much different than a Shadowhunter proposal. Instead of giving her your family ring, you give her an engagement ring. Everything is pretty much the same. At the wedding, the bride wears white instead of gold. Make the proposal yours, Jace. Show Clary the real you, when you ask her. I know you are going to make her happy."

" Well, this is the ring that I purchased when I was planning on proposing. Do you think she will like it?"

"Jace, it is beautiful! Believe me, Clary is going to love it."

Thanks, Si. That is all wanted to know. I just want everything to be perfect to make up for all our wasted time. I waited too long to be with her, to tell her that I loved her, and to marry her. Not anymore. Not for the angels and sure in hell not for the Clave."


Now I knew what I wanted to do. I know it was not going to be easy living as a mundane after being a Shadowhunters all my life, but for Clary and our baby, it is all worth it. I went back to the apartment to find Clary asleep on the bed. She looked so beautiful with the glow of pregnancy. I laid down next to her and put my hand on her baby bump and started drawing circles on her stomach while daydreaming about how our life is going to be. Watching our child take his first step, hearing him call me daddy for the first time, seeing Clary pregnant again with our next child. We will not live at the Herondale Manor, but I will find a nice place for us to raise our children. She slowly opened her eyes with a big smile on her face as she laid her hand on top of mine. Yes, I am going to marry this woman and make her mine, forever.

"What are you thinking about, Jace? You look like you are so far away in thought."

"Thinking about our future with our children."

"Children? You mean you want more than one?"

"Of course I want to have lots of children with you Clary! I want to have a big family and spend the rest of my life with you."

"Hmm, that sounds wonderful. I could see the same future too."

"Now that the manor is out because I am no longer a Shadowhunter, where would you like to live?"

"Honestly, I have not thought of that. I guess it does not matter where we live as long as we are together. A house would be nice if you want a couple of children."

"Well, maybe you can research where in America or Europe you would like to live and pick a place. Imogen gave me most of my inheritance since she knew I would not be able to claim now that I am not a Shadowhunter. So we do have plenty of money to make a move."

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