Chapter 1

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I flew in my Naboo starship disguised as a senator Naboo guard, while we prepared the starship for landing on the planet Coruscant, I slowly descended to the platform before softly landing and exiting my ship. My feet walked gently on the ground as R4-D4 unhooked herself from the ship, and followed behind as I stood next to my mother, who was also disguised as a senator Naboo guard. Me and my mother are in danger and won't risk stepping out in broad daylight as ourselves. "We made it" Captain Typho commented as me and my mother watched the senator exit the starship with other senator Naboo guards at her side. "I guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all" Captain Typho finished before we watched the starship explode a few seconds later making me gasp shocked as the three of us was knocked backwards from the force of the explosion. I looked at the ship as we got up before I instantly ran over to Cordé's side as I threw off my helmet, and kneeling beside her.
"Cordé" Me and my mother spoke softly as we turned her on her side, there was scars and burns from the explosion.
"Milady, I'm so sorry. I've failed you, Senator and you, Princess" Cordé apologized loosing her breath, as me and my mother shook our heads in denial.
"No" Mother denied before we watched our loyal friend take her first step into the afterlife.
"Milady, your majesty, you're still in danger here" Captain Typho exclaimed placing his hand on my shoulder, I stood up before R4 came to my side and bleeped sympathetically.
"We shouldn't have come back" I commented as my mother stood up and held my hand.
"This vote is very important. You did your duty. Cordé did hers. Now, come" Captain Typho retorted before walking away with me following, but stopped when my mother didn't follow, "Senator Amidala, please"
"Mother, please. Let us be safe" I begged softly making her look at me with a sad smile before we walked away and headed towards our destination.


I walked alongside my mother and the rest of the Loyalist Communists as we headed to Chancellor Palpatine's office, the door opened to reveal the Chancellor in his chair as some of my fellow Jedi masters rose from their seats, I watched Master Yo...

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I walked alongside my mother and the rest of the Loyalist Communists as we headed to Chancellor Palpatine's office, the door opened to reveal the Chancellor in his chair as some of my fellow Jedi masters rose from their seats, I watched Master Yoda trot slowly away while giving me a curst nod, to which I returned, as we advanced towards the platform. "Senator Amidala, my young padawan, your tragedy on the landing platform -- terrible. Seeing you both alive brings warm feelings to my heart" Master Yoda commented sympathetically making us stop.
"Do you have any idea who was behind this attack? Master" I asked respectively.
"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo." Master Windu informed as he travelled towards my left side.
"I think that Count Dooku was behind it" I replied confidently.
"He is a political idealist, not a murderer. Young Skywalker" Master Mundi retorted making me look down in apology at my mistake.
"You know, Young Skywalker. Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character" Master Windu added making me look at him.
"But for certain, Senator, my young padawan, in grave danger you are" Master Yoda stated making me look at my mother in fear, causing her to rub my shoulder in reassurance.
"Master Jedi, may I suggest the senator and princess be placed under the protection of your graces. The princess may be one of your forces but I fear, even her majesty has her limits" Chancellor Palpatine suggested.
"Do you really think that's a wise decision under these stressful times?" Senator Organa asked making me and mother look at each other in annoyance at the suggestion.
"Chancellor, if we may comment, we do not believe--" Mother started.
"The situation is that serious? No, but I do, Senator. I realize all to well that additional security might be disruptive for you both but perhaps someone you're familiar with. An old friend, like Master Kenobi" Chancellor interrupted making my heart fill with excitment at the mention of my Uncle Ben.
"That's possible. He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion" Master Windu agreed making me look at my mother hopeful, she looked at me divided between the options, making me give her my doggy eyes she can't resist.

"Do it for me, milady. Please? The thought of losing you both... is unbearable" Chancellor Palpatine begged making mother look at him before looking at me defeated, causing me to smile happily.
"I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately, milady" Master Windu stated before bowing, along with the other Jedi, to us respectively.
"Thank you, Master Windu" Mother thanked before we watched them walk out and begun our conversation with the Chancellor.

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