Chapter 4

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"Thank you R2" I heard my mother thank to her droid, I carried on eating in silence and blured out the conversation between my mother and father, my mind kept wandering back to Hunter who was looking at me intensely while secretly smirking making me very uncomftable.


"I wasn't the youngest queen ever elected but now that I think on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready" I heard my mother comment to father as we walked through the centre of the park of Naboo with suitcases in hand and our droids following behind, talking to each other quietly. Again I droned out the conversation and tried to focus on my breathing as I was starting to feel a little different, like a darkness was trying to force itself towards my heart.
"Mother, I'm going to head home. I hope the meeting goes well" I informed making her nod before I changed direction and headed towards home, with Hunter and R4 following behind.
"What do you know of love, Lucy?" Hunter asked making me sigh.
"I know it is forbidden in the law of Jedi"
"Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love is central to a Jedi's life" Hunter retorted making me roll my eyes while we entered a boat.
"Hunter, listen... I've never felt love, but... I feel like I have something towards you" I revealed making him nod before the ride was spent in silence as we neared my home, I grew up in all my life. Hunter exited the boat and helped me out as some of the servants grabbed our stuff and took it to our rooms, while me and Hunter looked at the beautiful scenery. "I used to come here for school retreat, like my mother. I would swim to that island every day. I love the water. My friends used to lie out on the sand and let the sun dry them and try to guess the names of the birds singing. I hate sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here, everything is soft and smooth" I ranted in a dream like state as we leaned against the railing looking out to the ocean, the sceanary was beautiful and romantic. I looked at Hunter happily before I started to feel myself leaning in slowly, to which he met me in the middle and captured my lips in a soft, sweet kiss. I felt the kiss become more heated making me pull away due to lack of air. I placed my hand on Hunter's chest as I panted quietly. "Not today" I spoke before heading inside...


Me and Hunter sat on the grass near the magnificent collosal waterfalls, I sat in Hunter's lap with my head resting on his chest as we watched the water fall, the sound of it hitting the bottom and the feel of it soaking our faces, also the smell of the clorine filling our nostrals. Hunter's head rested on mine as he played with my fingers, my mind went back to last week's events after the kiss, I can't believe we did IT!, I sighed before looking at Hunter, "I never thought love could be anyting like this" I spoke softly making him smile before kissing my lips softly, I smiled happily before getting up and tagging him, "you're it!" I screamed making him laugh mischeifiously as I ran off, I ran around the field as fast as I can to get away from him but I could here him laughing amused.
"Get back here!"
"Never!" I screamed looking back to see him advancing on me immensly causing me to gasp and looking back, I ran faster and faster, but a few moments later I felt arms wrap around my waist and spin me around, causing me to chuckle before my feet placed softly on the ground as I looked at Hunter.
"Falling in love with you wasn't apart of my life plan, but I don't regret that I did" Hunter cooed as he moved a piece of my fringe from my face lovingly, I smiled before we started to head back to my home. The journey made, we were talking and laughing and making jokes. I was happy for once in my entire life and I didn't want it to end. When we got back I noticed my mother and father were ignoring each other making me roll my eyes, why can't they accept their feelings for each other, this has been a problem since they kissed suddenly a couple of days ago. I sighed before heading to my room and falling asleep...

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