Chapter 4

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My eyes peered down at the squirming and screaming figure of my mother, her screams erupting from her throat as she used her strength to push. She was dying while giving birth to my sibling. “Mom!” I screamed seeing her face begin to fade from my memory. “Mom! No!” I begged feeling wet tears fly down my cheeks, as she carried on screaming and crying through the pain. “MOM!” My while body shot up in alarm, I shook from the adrenaline. My breathing heavy, I wiped my forehead rid of the sweat; the cold metal cooling me down, and I gently got out of bed. I put in my robe and began to head to the balcony. My bare feet becoming cold as I arrived in the cold breeze. I sat down, and my arms instinctively wrapped around my waist. Nearing footsteps filled my hearing as my eyes stared out towards the city.
“What’s bothering you?” Hunter’s voice asked calmly. He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my knee. I looked towards him and sighed.
“Nothing” I lied before going back to watching the city.
“How long is it gonna taken for us to be honest with each other?” He sighed, moving my chin to look at him. I looked down, avoiding eye contact knowing I would loose control of my emotions if I did.
“It was a dream”
“Like the ones I used to have about my grandmama... just before she died” I explained, glancing at him.
“And?” He questioned, his voice soft and comforting, I felt my emotion slip slightly causing me too sniffle.
“And it was about Mama” I revealed looking at him dead in the eye this time.
“Tell me” He spoke caressing my hand with his thumb. I inhaled deeply.
“It was only a dream” I reassured him, but I know I was trying to reassure myself too. I got up and walked over to the edge of the balcony, and leaned on the rail. I closed my eyes, trying to decide if I should tell him or not. “Mama dies in childbirth” I forced.
“And the baby?” He asked.
“I don’t know” I replied, my emotions finally slipping and sobs began to exit my mouth.
“It was only a dream” He commented speed-walking to my side.
“I won’t let this one become real. For everyone’s sake. This baby will change all our lives. I’ll have to help Mama raise the baby while Papa is on missions. I doubt the queen will continue to allow us both to serve in the Senate. I might have to retire as a Jedi. And if the council discovers about Papa, he’ll be expelled—”
“I- I know. I know. But I assure you I won’t let that happen” He commented, I looked at him.
“Do you think Uncle Ben will be able to help us?” I asked his face turned cold for a second before it went back to normal.
“We don’t need his help. We are strong enough together” He stated, I smiled before hugging him thankful he was in my life...


The blazing purple light of my saber clashed against Skyron's blue saber. We were training in our assigned room, I pushed Skyron back and his sister Alishan took over, her matching purple saber began rivalling my own. I could sense the force begin to grow stronger in her veins. Before I was sent flying back through the air and onto my back with a grunt. I closed my eyes, before laughing as I flipped back up on my feet. “That was excellent Ali, you’ve learned much quicker than I anticipated” I commented making her smile. “You will be a powerful and fantastic Jedi one day” I complemented before looking towards her twin. “And so will you Sky. You have a special bond that can never be broken” I spoke looking between the two. I kneeled down and I felt them both hug my waist.
“Thank you, Master. You are the best Master we could ask for” Ali commented making me chuckle.
“And you are the best Padawans I could ask for” I stated, before we all chuckled.
“Master Skywalker” I heard a guard speak, I got up and looked towards them.
“The Chancellor is asking for your presence. He wishes you to meet him immediately at the Orchestra House” They reported making me nod...


“You asked for me, Chancellor?” I asked making him look at me from his seat next to my father.
“Yes, come take a seat. Now that your both here...” He spoke as I sat next my father. “I have good news. Our clone intelligence units have discovered the location of General Grievous. He’s hiding in the Utapau system” He informed making me sigh happily.
“At last” Papa breathed.
“We’ll be able to capture that monster and end this war” I continued for my father.
“I would worry about the collective wisdom of the council... if it didn’t select you both for this assignment. You’re the best choices, by far. Along with Tyranus” He voiced aloud before he looked towards the massive bubble of water. “Lucy, Anakin... you know I’m not able to rely on the Jedi Council. If they haven’t included you both in their plot, they soon will” Chancellor Palpatine commented, making me confused.
“I’m not sure I understand” Me and Papa spoke simultaneously.
“You must sense what I have come to suspect. The Jedi Council want control of the Republic. They’re planning to betray me” He stated.
“I don’t think that—”
“Lucy. Search your feelings” Palpatine interrupted, I let my mind wander over his words and I felt certainty in them. “You know, don’t you?”
“I know they don’t trust you” I replied.
“Hmm. Or the Senate. Or the Republic, or democracy, for that matter” He spoke, making me look at Papa.
“I have to admit, my trust in them has been shaken” I admitted, knowing of their plan to make me and Papa spy on the Chancellor.
“Why? They asked you to do something... that made you feel dishonest, didn’t they?” He asked making me look down. “They asked you to spy on me, didn’t they?” He questioned. My father sat up.
“We don’t, uh—we don’t know what to say” Father muttered.
“Remember back to your early teachings. All who gain power are afraid to lose it. Even the Jedi” He reminded, making me look at him.

“The Jedi use their power for good” I retorted.
“Good is a point of view, Lucy. The Sith and Jedi are similar in almost every way...including their quest for greater power” Palpatine argued.
“The Sith felt on their passion for their strength. They think inwards—only about themselves” Papa stated.
“And the Jedi don’t?” Palpatine asked.
“The Jedi are selfless. They only care about others” I commented before the faded sound of applause filled the air, causing us to fall silent but unfortunately that silence was broken.
“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?” Palpatine asked making us look at him.
“Yes” I answered.
“No” Papa spoke looking at me confused.
“I thought not, Anakin. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you” The Chancellor informed.
“It’s a Sith legend. I only know of what Hunter has told me” I commented, they both looked at me and the Chancellor beckoned me to continue. “Darth Plagueis...was a dark lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise... he could use the Force to influence the create... life” I begun, the intense and intrigued gaze of my father poured into me. “He has such a knowledge of the dark side...he could keep the ones he cared about...from dying” I retold, feeling the familiar darkness I felt before I killed Count Dooku and The Tusken Raiders. Maybe I could train myself to keep Mama from dying in child birth.
“He could people from death?” Papa asked me.
“The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities...some consider to be unnatural” I spoke feeling the darkness slowly head towards my heart.
“Wh—What happened to him?” Papa questioned, making me sit up straight.
“He became so powerful...the only thing he was afraid of was...losing his power. Which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep” I finished as the darkness got nearer and nearer before stopping and retreating away as I got a hold on my emotions.
“It’s ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself” Palpatine commented, I exhaled thankful the darkness didn’t hit my heart.
“Is it possible to learn this power?” Papa asked curiously, making the Chancellor look at us.
“Not from a Jedi”...

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