Chapter 2

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We ran down the hallway towards an elevator before the familiar sounds of destroyers filled my ears making me egnite my lightsaber, "Destroyers" I informed the boys as they egnited their lightsabers before the droids started to fire at us, we deflected their attacks as they pushed us back into the elevator and the doors closed.
"Drop your weapons. I said drop 'em" I heard behind me making me turn to see a bunch of Battle droids, I raised my eyebrow as I looked at my father before we all swiftly killed them all and the elevator started to move... until it suddenly stopped.
"Did you press the stop button?" Ben asked Papa.
"No. Did you?" Papa asked him.
"Well, there's more than one way out of here" I commented egniting my lightsaber and beginning to cut a hole through the elevator roof.
"We don't want to get out. We want to get moving. R2, activate elevator 31174. Come in, R2. R2, do you copy? R2, activate the elevator number 31174. Activate the elevator 31174. R2, we--" Obi-Wan communicated but was interrupted when the piece of roof fell to the ground, I force jumped through the roof and on top of the elevator, Father joined me before the elevator shot downwards causing us to hold on to the ledge to stop ourselves from falling. Seconds passed and the door opened to reveal two more Battle droids.
"Hands up, Jedi" The one droid spoke making me raise my eyebrow like 'really?'.
"If we hold our hands up, then we'd fall to our death" I retorted sassily before looking down to see the elevator moving towards us, I gasped before backflipping to the other side with Papa and jumping onto the elevator, before quickly leaping back down the hole into the elevator scaring Uncle Ben.
"What was that all about?" Father asked Ben.
"Well, R2 and R4 has been--"
"Uh, no loose wire jokes" I warned making Ben look at me offended.
"Did I say anything?" Ben spoke.
"They're trying" I commented.
"I didn't say anything" Ben retorted making me roll my eyes before the elevator stopped and the doors opened, we walked out to an empty room also known as the observation platform, we walked down the stairs and to the chancellor, who was in a chair cuffed to it. "Chancellor"
"Are you alright?" Father asked as I felt two familiar presences enter the room.
"Dooku, Taranus" Chancellor replied as I looked at the entrance to see my father-in-law and my husband with two super battle droids beside them. I kept my gaze on Hunter who was coldly looking at me back as I walked away from my fellow jedis. The two sith jumped down and grabbed their lightsaber as I ignored the conversation of the three men beside me, I grabbed my lightsaber while taking off my cape.
"Your swords please. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the chancellor" Hunter ordered walking towards us, making me smirk.

"You won't get away this time, Taranus" I retorted egniting my lightsaber before me and Hunt started to fight, due to us fighting we slowly were seperated from the group, we only concentrated on each other like always, Hunter pushed me back using the force and I was sent flying across the room, thank god i'm not pregnant. I got up and noticed my father was loosing against Dooku, Go help your father, I sense mine will be killed tonight but dont let him do it, I want you as you can control your guilt. Once my father is dead, our relationship will no longer be a secret, and I will be by your side as a jedi once again, I heard Hunter inform in my head before I joined my father in his battle and took his role on.
"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them" Dooku spoke as we held each others lightsaber blocking each other, dont let him get to you, I pushed Dooku and continued to fight until I got the upper hand and chopped his hands off. I held my lightsaber and his lightsaber to his neck.
"Good, Lucy, good. Kill him" Chancellor Palpatine ordered as Dooku looked at him with fear and betrayal in his eyes, "Kill him now" He added as Dooku looked at me, don't let your hate control you, hold no emotion and kill my father, its better this way and you wont become like me, Hunter reassured.
"I shouldn't" I replied to the Chancellor acting like I don't want to do it.
"Do it" He ordered again and I struck out all my emotions and the darkness before using the lightsabers to kill Dooku by beheading him. His lifeless and headless body fell to the floor infront of Papa's and Obi-Wan's cape as I unegnited the lightsabers I was holding, I sighed before looking at Hunter and running over to him, he met me in the middle and
held me against his chest as he slightly rocked me from side to side, trying to help me calm the darkness travelling through my veins.
"You did well, Lucy. My father was too dangerous to be kept alive" Hunter praised softly as we let each other go before I turned to see my father looking shocked and confused.
"Later" I exclaimed before running over to Uncle Ben and checked over him, he was unconcious but was alright.
"Lucy, there's no time. We must get off this ship before it's too late" The chancellor spoke making me look at him.
"He seems to be alright" I retorted.
"Leave him, or we'll never make it" Chancellor Palpatine exclaimed.
"His fate will be the same as ours" I stated coldly causing the Chancellor to stop talking as Father picked up Ben and held him over his shoulders, I held Hunts hand as we walked towards the elevator to see it was not working. "Elevators not working. R4, activate elevator 3224" I ordered my astromech droid but was replied by the ship slanting downwards, we managed to get through the elevator doors and started to run down the shaft as Hunter kept me close to him protectively, that was until the ship started leveling out, I slipped causing me to scream but Hunter grabbed my arm while grabbing the ledge.
"I ain't letting you go that easily, Baby Girl" Hunter stated making me smile slightly as Uncle Ben gained conciousness and gasped scared, causing him to grab on tightly to Papa.

"Easy. We're in a bit of a situation here" Papa warned.
"Did I miss something?" Ben asked as I looked up to see the elevator falling towards us making me gasp and Hunter look up before he let go off the ledge and we started to fall, I grabbed my grappling hook along with Hunt before swinging it onto a metal structure and using it to zoom onto a floor with open doors. Seconds passed and the other three joined us as me and Hunt gained our breath from the andreniline rush.
"Let's see if we can find something in the hanger bay that's still flyable" Hunter commented.
"R2, R4, get down here" I ordered, "R2, R4 do you copy?" I spoke before rolling my eyes, "Come on" I engouraged before running down the hallway with the others following along but we were stopped by being caged in ray shields. "Ray shields" I sighed annoyed before Hunter held me close.
"Wait a minute. How did this happen? We're smarter then this" Ben spoke annoyed.
"Apparently not" Hunter retorted before he looked at me. "I say patience"
"Patience?" Father spoke.
"Yes. R2 and R4 will be along in a few moments... and then... they'll release the ray shields" I answered for Hunt before we heard a door open causing us to look in that direction, to see the droids squealing in terror before slamming into a wall, making me and Hunt look at each other in shock.
"See? No problem" Hunter stated before destroyers rolled into the room making me face palm myself as more of the enemys droids appeared, I watched R2 and R4 zap a super battle droid but then got kicked down making me gasp in anger, How dare they do that to my droids!.
"Do you have a plan 'B'?" Papa and Ben asked me and Hunt making us look at each other in defeat.

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