Chapter 7

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"I know wherever you are it's become a better place. You were the most loving partner a man could ever have. Goodbye, my darling wife. And thank you" Cliegg spoke as I hugged Hunter's side while we all stood infront of grandmama's grave. I walked forward and kneeled against the sand with my father before we each grabbed a handful of sand, showing how much we really loved her by holding our biggest enemy in our hands.
"We wasn't strong enough to save you, Grandmama. I wasn't strong enough. But we promise we won't fail again" I spoke before we both got up.
"I miss you... so much" Me and Papa finished simutaniously as we held each other's free hand, our minds in our own world as we let the sand fall from our hands, grazing over the grave. I let go of Papa's hand before walking back over to Hunter and Mama.
"It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-Wan Kenobi" 3PO informed making me confused.
"Uncle Ben?" I spoke confused before I quickly ran onto the ship with R4 already waiting for me, I pressed a button and a hologram of Uncle Ben and Master Gallia played before me.
"Anakin, Hunter, our long range transmitters has been knocked out. Retransmit this message to Coruscant" Uncle Ben spoke before I turned and pressed a button, then quickly looking back. "We have tracked the bounty hunter, Jango Fett... to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here... and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray... is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala and The Princess. The Commerce Guilds and the Corporate Alliance... have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming a-- Wait. Wait" Uncle Ben continued before I watched him egnite his lightsaber and block a droid shooting, he moved to reveal a familiar looking droid before the message shut off, me and the others looked at each other shocked, I ignored the rest of the conversation between Papa, Hunter, Mama and the Jedi Order and walked over to a bunk on the ship, I layed down as I twirled my grandmother's wedding ring on my engagement finger, I miss you Grandmama... so much. I watched as my mother climbed into the driver's seat and start up the ship as Hunter and Papa went into the two passanger's seats, leaving one. I quickly got up and sat down next to Hunter just as the ship took off and headed to Geonosis. It was not long before we arrived on Geonosis, Papa landed the ship in an exhaust vent as we all grabbed our things and exited the ship, we walked along a platform and crouched beneath a door to a big corridor, at the end was another door. As we travelled I could sense multiple presences, I looked to my right to see what I thought I saw something move but when I blinked it was perfectly still, causing me to carry on walking. That was until the presences was moving towards us, we all looked just before geonosisians went to pounce. Hunter and Papa egnited their lightsabers and begun to fight as me and Mom scrambled through the other door, we stood on a small sliver platform until it moved from beneath us causing us to land on the machines below.

"Padme! Lou!" The boys screamed trying to grab us but it was to late, we got up and held each other's hands for safety, I looked infront of us to see a machine going up and down pressing the substances below, I went wide-eyed along with my mother, before we perfectly ran through and dodged the machine in time, more and more machines came we dodge with ease and accurancy, I looked back to see no Papa and Hunter, we're so far away.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" I screamed as a four winged bat flew at us and pushed us into a cup thing below. We managed to get up, but was strugling to get out. Due to me having no energy, I couldn't force jump out, I could hear the sound of lava being poured into the cup things infront of us, causing me and Mom to look at each other in panic. The sound of lava became closer and closer until it was ontop of us, I looked up to see it open ready to pour lava, but it then closed shut. A few seconds later the cup thing we were in dropped and went on it's side, causing us to tumble out. I groaned as I got up and helped Mom before looking around to see more genosis bats surrounding us, making me groan even more. We let ourselves be led to a room with a chariot for three people, making me look at Dad confused. "Where's Hunt?" I asked confused making Dad go wide-eyed.
"He weren't with me the entire time, he dissapeared after he jumped onto another platform to escape the geonosians" Dad replied also confused as I was handcuffed and pushed into the right side of the chariot, Dad was on the left while Mom was in between of us. I looked at the outisde to see a massive arena full of species, God I wish Hunter was here with me. Minutes passed until the chariot headed into the arena, I looked at my parents to see them kissing making me smile, knowing that my parents finally accepted their feelings, I clasped Mom's hand as we came outside. In the middle of the arena was four columns, with Uncle Ben chained to one, we neared him and stopped before we were pulled out and lead to a different column, I sneakily pulled a bobby pin from my little pocket and tightly held it in my hand as I was lead to the far right column, Mom was next to me and Dad was between her and Uncle Ben.

Cheers roared as I watched Count Dooku and some others appear on the balcony infront of us, a black hooded figure walked alongside Dooku, I watched the figure pull down his hood to reveal Hunter, NO!!. I studied his features and noticed his eyes, they were yellow rather then his light blue ones. A minute passed until we watched four gates open revealing a monster for each of us.

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