Chapter 5

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I shot up out of bed with sweat pouring down my face as I replayed the nightmare of Grandmama Shmi in my head, I put on my bed robe and headed outside for some fresh air, only to see father up. I took in his stressful face making me sigh before holding his hand, causing him to look at me. "I had a nightmare about Grandmama" I stated making him sigh.
"Me too, I fear she's hurt and dying" Father commented as the sun came up and I looked at the doorway to see Mom, I walked off leaving them to have their private conversation and walked back to my room, and getting changed into my Jedi robes. I then walked back downstairs just as Hunter got up.
"Where are you going?" He asked worried as I walked outside to Mom and Dad.
"I'm coming with you, Papa, to help find Grandmama" I stated coldly making him nod before they headed inside and got changed while Hunter looked at me confused.
"Where are you going?" Hunter repeated sternly making me sigh deeply..
"I am to travel to Tatooine, in search of my Grandmother, Shmi Skywalker. Mom and Dad are coming along, so I suggest you get ready. I'll meet you at the port" I instructed before heading to the port.


Our ship landed on the desert planet of Tatooine, the weather was hot and humid, I could barely breath and what made it worse was that I was facing my biggest enemy; sand. I groaned as we all got of the ship and made our way through Mos Eisley, on a small car attached to a droid, moments later we stopped. We all piled out our cars, with Hunter helping me out which my father did to mother, I followed my mother and father ahead till we came to a small stall belonging to a toydarian. "Da wanga! (That one!)" the toydarian exclaimed as a droid walked away, the toydarian continued to work on a destroyed droid. I could understand what language he was speaking as I gained it from my father, it was huttsee.

"Chut-chut, Watto" My father greeted, "let je hopa uba foo da (let me help you with that)" he spoke picking up the destroyed droid.
"Haku? Haku do uba naga? Wait! Uba're du Jedai! Whatever it sa, jee didn't do it (what? what are you doing? wait! you're a Jedi! whatever it is, I didn't do it)" Watto commented before the spanner shot out of his hand and hit his foot, making him groan and sigh. I saw my father struggling on fixing the droid, making me sigh before I grabbed it from him and fixed it easily, I then placed it back on the small stall infront of the toydarian.
"Jee'm looking che Shmi Skywalker (I'm looking for Shmi Skywalker)" Papa informed making Watto look at him, recognising who he was.
"Ani? Little Ani? You are Ani! It is you! You sure sprouted, huh? A Jedi! Whattaya know!" Watto commented making me look at Hunter annoyed before looking back at the toydarian, "hey... maybe you could help with some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money"
"My grandmother" I interrupted coldly making the toydarian look at me, before looking back at my father then me again.
"Ani, is this your daughter?" Watto asked pointing at me.
"Yes. Tell me where my mother is" Father retorted.
"Now!" I ordered through gritted teeth, not in the mood for games.
"Oh, yeah. Shmi. Uh... she's not mine-a no more-a. I sold her" Watto revealed making me step forward in disbelief.
"You sold her?" Father spoke in disbelief as he also stepped forward.
"Years ago. Sorry, Ani, but you know, business is business, huh? Yeah, I sold her to a moisture farmer named, uh, Lars. At least I think it was Lars. Believe it or not, I heard he freed her and married her! Can you beat that, eh? Yeah" Watto ranted trying to not piss me and Papa off, knowing how angry I was at him.

"Do you know where they are now?" I asked calmly, I felt my anger rising and the familiar darkness nearing my heart.
"Ooh, long way from here. Someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think, mmm"
"I'd like to know" Papa spoke calmly.
"Eh, sure. Absolutely! Let's go look at my records, huh?" I followed the three along with Hunter into a small store, I noticed all different broken down toys scattered around the shop and many of the shelfs were deserted, it seemed like his business broke down terribly.
"Lou!" I turned in their direction to see Hunter beckoning me over, I noticed Papa and Mama was gone so I quickly ran after him to the car, and onto our ship. An hour passed until we landed outside a sand dome, I carefully exited the ship and walked with my father towards the home. I looked back to see R2 and R4 following making me sigh.
"Stay with the ship, R2, R4" I ordered before carrying on walking with the group, I heard the two astromestric droids bleep before heading towards the ship, I watched as Papa looked towards a cosmic droid and stop, the silver cosmic droid noticed us.

"Oh! Um, uh, hello. How might I be of service? I am C--" The droid greeted.
"3PO?" Father interrupted as we neared the droid, C-3PO. 3PO looked confused before recognising my father.
"The maker! Oh, Master Ani! I knew you would return. I knew it" The droid exclaimed in happiness before turning to my mother, "And Miss Padme, Oh, my"
"Hello, 3PO" Mama greeted.
"Bless my circuits! I'm so pleased to see you both" C-3PO exclaimed before the silver droid looked at me and Hunter, "and I don't believe we have met. Might I say you look like the spitting image of Master Ani and Miss Padme"
"I'm Lucy Amidala Skywalker, I am their daughter. And this is my partner Hunter Tyranus" I informed making him nod respectively.
"I heard you are the princess of Naboo, am I correct?" He asked respectively making me nod before he slighly bowed greeting my presence, causing me to chuckle.
"I've come to see my grandmother" I commented before he looked at me taken back.
"Oh. Um, I think perhaps we'd better go indoors" 3PO suggested before we followed him into the home, I looked around at the interior and felt a hominess feeling fill me, driving away the darkness, I smiled as I felt a flower petal against my fingers. Until a male entered my vision making me go back to my original position, and turn towards the unfamiliar male. "Master Owen, might I present four most important visitors" 3PO commented to the man as a women came and stood next to the male.
"I'm Anakin Skywalker" Father introduced.
"Owen Lars. Uh, this is my girlfriend, Beru" The male replied making the women say 'hello'.
"I'm Padme" Mama spoke before the four looked at me as I stepped forward.
"I'm Lucy Skywalker, Anakin is my father and Padme my mother. Erm, this is my boyfriend, Hunter Tyranus" I introduced making Hunter nod respectively as his arm snaked around my waist protectively.
"I guess I'm your stepbrother" Owen commented to my father before turning to me, "and you, my step-niece" he added making me smile.
"Nice to meet you, Uncle Owen... and Aunt Beru" I replied softly making the two chuckle softly.
"I had a feeling you might show up someday" Owen exclaimed directing it to me and Papa.

"Is my mother here?"
"No, she's not" I heard another male voice reply to Papa, we turned to see a man in a wheel chair, "Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife. We should go inside. We have a lot to talk about" My step-grandfather suggested before following him inside to a room with a table. I sat down along with the others as Beru went to pour drinks for us. "It was just before dawn. They came out of nowhere. A hunting party of Tusken Raiders. Your mother had gone out early, like she always did... to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. From the tracks, she was about halfway home... when they took her.", "Those Tuskens walk like men... but they're vicious, mindless monsters. Thirty of us went out after her. Four of us came back. I'd be out there with them, but after I lost my leg... I just couldn't ride any more un-until I heal. I don't want to give up on her... but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long" Cliegg stated before me and Papa got up and went to walk off.
"Where are you going?" Uncle Owen and Hunter asked simutaniously making me and Papa look at them both, I sighed.
"To find my grandmama" I replied.
"Your grandmother's dead, kid. Accept it" Cliegg spoke up making me look at him coldly before me and Papa walked off outside for some fresh air and privacy, ignoring the protests of my boyfriend. Father held me near his side as I laid my head on his shoulder, while we tried to fight away the sadness and anger. Unfortunately our silence was interrupted when Hunter and Mama came to us, Hunter ran up to me and cupped my cheeks in his hands.
"Don't go" Hunter begged making me look into his eyes giving him my answer.
"I'll be fine, Hunt. You're gonna have to stay here. These are good people, Hunt. You'll be safe and my father will protect me if they try to even come near me" I retorted softly making him capture my lips in a kiss full of hope, and sadness. "I won't be long" I hugged his waist before walking over to my speeder and climbing on it, me and Father started the speeders up and sped off not knowing where we might go or what we will find.

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