Chapter 8

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I swiped at every battle droid possible eventually using the force to blow them up, I stopped before looking at the platform to see Hunter and Dooku. I held a cold expression as I connected gazes with Hunter, he looked torn and sad as he looked at my arm, I ran off back into battle and was back to back fighting with Master Gallia and Kid Fisto. More and More battle droids surrounded us, causing us to be in the middle of the arena, I looked to my right to see Mama, Papa and Uncle Ben, I carried on deflecting blasts towards the droids, before they stopped shooting making us Jedis stop with our lightsabers still egnited.
"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly... wothy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order. Now it is finished. Surrender, and you lives will be spared. Or suffer the wraith of my sith son, Hunter Tyranus" Dooku stated as some droids led some Jedi to join us.
"SON!" I screamed in disbelief making Dooku look at me surprised. "WE WILL NOT BE HOSTAGES TO BE BARTERED, DOOKU. ESPECIALLY AT THE HANDS AT A SITH LORD!!" I shouted walking towards them in anger but stopping as some droids raised the guns at me.
"Then, I'm sorry, old friend... and princess" Dooku apologised making Hunter look at him in disbelief. The droids raised their guns and got ready to shoot as us Jedi got ready to block, I looked up to see ship carriers full of clones, and Master Yoda with them. The droids started to shoot at the ships and I decided to kill some of them. The clones shot back as a ship landed near me, I ran quickly over to them along with my father, mother and Uncle Ben, the remaining Jedi piled into the other ships before we descended from the ground. I leaned against the back wall and catched my breath as my family looked at my arm.
"What? Never seen an one armed Jedi before?" I spoke sassily making Uncle Ben and Mama roll their eyes as the ship started to rock.
"Hold on!" Uncle Ben ordered making me hold on with my only hand as my lightsaber was on my belt. I looked out the cockpit and saw them trying to shoot at the droid machines.
"Aim right above the fuel cells!" I ordered before they started to shoot and the machine exploded.
"Good call, Young Skywalker" Father and Uncle Ben congratulated as we flew near some federation starships.
"Attack those federation starships, quickly!" Uncle Ben commanded making them shoot and explode but didn't leave a scratch, nearly an hour passed until I spotted Dooku and Hunter driving away from battle. "Look over there!" Ben spoke pointing to the two.
"It's Dooku and Tyranus! Shoot them down!" Father ordered making me go wide-eyed.
"No, Don't!" I ordered.
"Don't tell me you care for Tyranus, after he betrayed the Jedi!" Ben spoke making me look at him.
"I don't care what he did! He doesn't deserve to die!"
"BECAUSE HE'S THE FATHER OF MY CHILD I'M CARRYING!!" I revealed making the three shocked as they looked at each other.

"Your pregnant!" Father screamed making Uncle Ben groan.
"Now is not the time to argue! Pilot, shoot only Dooku!" Ben retorted.
"We're out of rockets, sir" The pilot replied making me sigh.
"Follow them!" I ordered making Mama look at me.
"We're gonna need some help!" Mother suggested making Papa and Ben look at each other.
"There isn't time! Anakin and I can handle this!" Ben replied making me step forward.
"NOT WITHOUT ME YOU'RE NOT!!" I retorted against the wind making them look at me in disbelief.
"You lost an arm! You can't fight!" Papa spoke.
"I'm pregnant, and I didn't get hit by one fucking droid!" I retorted.
"Swear again, and you'll lose your tongue!" Mother threatened making me look at her.
"I'M 18, I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT! I'M NOT A CHILD ANYMORE!" I argued before the ship rocked and Mom and a clone fell out onto a sand dune, "MOM!" I screamed as I watched her unconcious figure roll down the dune.
"PUT THE SHIP DOWN!" Me and Papa ordered.
"Anakin!" Ben spoke making us look at him, "Don't let your personal feelings get in the way! Follow that speeder!" Ben ordered.
"LOWER THE SHIP!" Me and Papa screamed again.
"I can't take Dooku and Tyranus alone! I need you both! If we catch them, we can end this war right now! We have a job to do!"
"You will both be expelled from the Jedi order!"
"We can't leave her!" Papa spoke.
"Come to your senses! What do you think Padme would do were she in your position?" Ben asked making me and Papa look at each other.
"She would do her duty" We replied defeated before I sighed, our ship followed the two sith to a cave with a landing platform, they stopped and we jumped off before they quickly flew off dodging the blasts, we ran into the cave with our lightsabers egnited and into a room with a ship, the two sith turned to us and was shocked.
"You're both gonna pay for all the Jedi that you killed today! And for what you did to my daughter!" Father screamed as we all stood waiting for the signal to fight, I connected my gaze with Hunters' and glared at him.
"We'll take them together. Go in slowly on the left" Ben spoke but I just growled angrily.
"I'm taking him now!" Me and Papa screamed running to them, I swung my lightsaber as he ignited his and blocked, his eyes stared into mine making me look at him softly, to which he did to me.

"Why?" I whispered looking at him hurt.
"Because I'm not supposed to love" He whispered back before pushing me back gently, "I'll be gentle" He commented quietly as we stood defensively to each other, he swung and I blocked before swinging to which he blocked, this cycle continued until he let me hit him to relieve my anger. This repeated and repeated until it got a lot more heated, we got more quicker and quicker as my confidence grew, but he knew he didn't want to hurt me and I him. He pushed me back with the force as I saw my Father's arm be decapitated by Dooku, Like Father Like Daughter. I layed down exhausted next to Obi-Wan before I heard a voice in my head. I love you, Baby Girl... and you will see me again soon, Hunter's voice penetrated my mind as I watched him enter the ship. I slowly let myself fall asleep from exhaustion as I saw Master Yoda enter the duel.


Its been a few months since the battle of Geonosis and I was currently on my balcony at Coruscant, listening to the night time sounds feeling relaxed, I looked at my baby bump and smiled sadly while carrasing it gently. My Mama and Papa got married the day we returned back to Naboo, it was a beautiful secret ceremony and filled me with happiness and longing that Hunter wasn't with me... God I miss him deeply. I twirled my Grandmother's ring on my finger as tears started to dwell in my eyes. I sighed as I wiped my tears away with my sleeve of my dress. "I miss you, Hunt" I whispered aloud knowing no one will hear me.
"I miss you too, Baby Girl" I heard a familiar voice reply back causing me to gasp and turn around to see Hunter, I choked in happiness before I ran over to him and hugged his waist as his arms rested on my shoulders, I heard him whisper comforting things in my ear as tears fell down my cheeks. I looked at my boyfriends eyes before capturing his lips in a soft passionate kiss. We pulled away and stared into each others eyes, "marry me" Hunter muttered making me gasp in surprised.
"The sun has even come up and you want me to do what now?" I asked making him chuckle in amusement.
"Marry me, Baby Girl. I want to be part of our baby's life, but I want them to know who I really am" Hunter spoke making me smile as tears of joy filled my eyes.
"I'll marry you, Hunt"...

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