Chapter 3

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"Ah, yes. The negotiator. General Kenobi. We've been waiting for you" Grievous stated as the droids lead us infront of him, one of them wacked me in the back with their gun causing Hunter go to ludge for him protectively, "That wasn't much of a rescue. And the Skywalkers, I was expecting some people with your reputation to be a little... older" Grievous finished coughing in my face making me scrunch up in disgust.
"General Grievous. You're shorter than we expected" I retorted sassily.
"Jedi scum" Grievous complained angrily turning away.
"We have a job to do, Lucy. Try not to upset him" Ben scolded making me look at Hunt to see him shrug his shoulders.
"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection" Grievous commented putting mine, Papa and Hunter's lightsabers into his cloak.
"Not this time. And this time, you won't escape" Ben taunted.
"R2" "R4" Me and Papa signalled simutaniously before the two astromech droids started to use all their mechanics to fight, Ben got his lightsaber and cut our cuffs before we zoomed our lightsabers into our hands and egnited them, then we started to fight. Me and Hunt combined our skills and swiftly killed the battle droids surrounding us both.
"Love, watch out!" I heard Hunter warn from behind me making me turn to see him kill a Magnaguard about to penertrate me, I looked at Hunt to see him looking at me before I was pulled to him and I felt his lips capture mine in a kiss, causing us to be completely oblivious that the ship was going down.
"Kid, I appreciate if you stopped snogging Taranus and actually helped me land this collosal piece of junk" I heard Papa say causing me to pull away and speed over to the co-pilot chair, I grabbed the steer and started to press the needed buttons along with my father, "You have a lot of explaining to do when we get back home, young lady" Papa scolded making me groan before an alarm went off and the droids beeped 'Uh-Oh'. "We lost something"
"Not to worry. We are still flying half a ship" I reassured before we started to pick up speed as the ship started to enter the atmosphere, "now we're really picking up speed... eight plus 60. We're in the atmosphere" I informed before I grabbed a stick near me to try and keep us level, it was hard and I nearly lost control but Hunter quickly took over and gained control using his strength. "5000. Fire ships on the left and the right" I spoke into the comlink.
"We'll take you in" A voice replied.
"Copy that" I spoke before cutting off the link, "Landing strip, straight ahead" I informed Papa.
"We're coming in too hot" Papa stated before we felt the ship land on the ground causing me to slightly hit my head against the chair, the ship got really bumpy and nausous as we slowly skidded to a halt, I looked at my father and he looked at me.
"Another happy landing" I joked making them chuckle as I panted...


"Mama!" I heard my 2 year old daughter scream loudly making me turn to see her running towards me with my padawans following behind, I knelt down and picked her up before holding her on my hip, she hugged me with her small hands which I gently responded before looking at Hunter and position my body to let Rose see her father, I watched as her eyes and face lit up as she smiled. "PAPA, YOU'RE BACK!!" She screamed as I put her down and her legs ran quicker then they do straight into her father's arms, the Jedi Council has aloud Hunter back into the Jedi society and I couldn't be more happier, my family is finally completed, I smiled happily before my eyes wandered to Mama and Papa behind a column they looked really happy, I slowly walked over to my parents and watched as they turned to look at me.
"Mama, Papa. What's going on? You're acting odd" I asked concerned and nervously causing them to chuckle while my mother walked over to me and held my hands.
"I have some very special news to tell you" Mom replied making me nod, "you're gonna have a sibling" She revealed making me gasp in surprised as my hands instanstly slipped from hers and flew to my mouth, I'M GONNA HAVE A BROTHER OR SISTER!!. I started to chuckle happily before bringing my mother into a hug.
"I'm gonna be a big sister" I muttered aloud happily making her chuckle along with Papa.

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