Chapter 1

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Chaos! Chaos enveloped the atmosphere of Coruscant as ships battled and exploded, among those battle ships was my father, my uncle and myself in our own Jedi Starships, we had been assigned the mission to help rescue Chancellor Palpatine aboard Grievious's ship. We dodged the fallen debry as we tried to find Grievous's ship. "Lock on him, R2" I heard my father speak to his droid as I sighed, "Master, Lou, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead-- the one crawling with vulture droids" Papa informed making me look ahead.
"Oh, I see it" Uncle Ben commented making me smirk.
"This is going to be easy" I spoke truthfully as we watched the vulture droids begin to fly towards us, I quickly switched communication. "Oddball, do you copy?" I spoke.
"Copy, Red Leader" Oddball replied.
"Mark my position. Form your squad up behind me" I ordered before looking at R4 and smiling.
"We're on your tail, Master Skywalker" Oddball informed, I was recently made a Master and was given two padawans called Skyron and Alishan Wezz, I was also training some of the younglings with
Master Yoda. Noises of ship engines behind us informed us that they were directly in formation.
"This is where the fun begins" Me and Papa muttered childishly as we continued to drive towards Grievous's ship and the vulture droids were advancing towards us.
"Let them pass between us" Uncle Ben spoke before we began shooting the droids and drove through out them with the clones destroying the passed droids behind us. The squad
continued to shoot the droids and started to lose.
"I'm gonna go help them out" Papa spoke.
"No, Papa, they are doing their job so we can do ours" I argued making Papa groan.
"I don't appreciate my Jedi daughter ordering me about" Papa muttered making me roll my eyes.
"Sorry, Papa, just trying to follow orders" I apologised before a few minutes later I spotted rogue missles coming in our direction and apparently Papa did to.
"Missiles. Pull up" Papa ordered making me pull up quickly and dodged them.
"They overshot us" Uncle Ben exclaimed.

"They're coming around" I protested before two were hot on my tail, I did my best to dodge them. "Surge all power units, R4. Stand by reverse thrusters" I ordered before my engine
roared and I started to spin in the air, the missiles started to spin and exploded each other when they got to close, making me chuckle. "We got 'em, R4... always works" I informed in victory and relief, R4 whistled in relief making me laugh. "How are you guys holding up?" I
asked Uncle Ben and Papa.
"I shook them off" Papa replied making me look at Obi-wan's ships.
"Flying is for droids" I heard Ben mutter before I saw buzz-droids lock on the Uncle's ship, "I'm hit. Anakin?"
"I see them. Buzz droids" Papa informed before I started to hear R4-D17 whimper scared, I watched as the Buzz droids start to tear the ship apart, destroying R4 in the process making me gasp but I watched my droid R4-D4 quickly grab her fellow droids head and load it into the cockpit for it to appear behind me, I'm quite quick at fixing droids so I can fix D17 up like hyper-speed.
"They're shutting down the controls" Uncle Ben exclaimed.
"Move to the right so I can get a clear shot at them" Papa ordered.
"The mission. Get to the command ship. Get the chancellor. I'm running out of tricks here" Uncle Ben spoke making me roll my eyes.
"You not leaving us that easily" I replied before Papa started shooting at the Buzz droids destroying Ben's wing in the process.
"Hold your fire! You're not helping here" Uncle Ben screamed.
"I agree. Bad idea" Me and Papa agreed simutantiously. Minutes passed and I started to hear a alarm going off in Obi-Wan's ship.
"Shit!" I muttered aloud knowing Obi-Wan's cockpit was smoking up.
"I can't see a thing. My cockpit's fogging" Obi-Wan confirmed before I sped towards his ship beside him, I used my wing to destroy the buzz droids but couldn't get them all.
"Move to the right" I ordered.
"Hold on, Lucy, You're gonna get us both killed" Ben protested, "Get out of here. There's nothing more you can do!" Ben ordered making me shake my head.
"I'm not leaving without you, Uncle" I replied before destroying the remaining droids but one was lucky and climbed onto my wing and headed straight for R4, "Crap" I spoke before watching R4 zap the Buzz droid, "Get him, R4" I encouraged before she zapped it but the Buzz droid quickly recovered and retaliated, "Watch out" I warned and sighed in relief as she dodged the Buzz droid's attack.

"R4, hit the buzz droid's center eye" Ben informed before R4 zapped the center eye and destroyed the droid making me fist pump the air happily before refocusing on the mission.
"The general's command ship is dead ahead" I commented casually.
"Well, have you noticed the shields are still up?" Father spoke sarcastically making me roll my eyes before spinning over Ben's ship.
"Sorry, Father" I apologised before shooting the generaters causing the shield to go down but the door started to close as we advanced towards it.
"Oh, I have a bad feeling about this" Ben exclaimed before we entered the ship dock and skidded along the floor, I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and force jumped out as I egnited my lightsaber before I started to destroy some battle droids. I joined the two men back to back as we continued to defend ourselves from the battle droids which kept coming and coming.
"R2, locate the chancellor" I ordered my father's droid as the battle droids stopped coming, we finished them off before walking over to R2 and R4, a map appeared above R2 with a light becon flashing from the observation platform of the ship, "the chancellor's signal is coming from right there-- the observation platform at the top of that spire" I informed before I could sense a familiar presence on the ship, Hunter..., Hunter is my now husband and the father of our healthy little girl Rose, he turned to the Dark side during our time on Geonosis and we have encountered each other on many missions but we've never physically hurt each other majorly. As no matter what we are, Jedi or Sith, we will remain together, we also decided to keep our relationship a secret from our parents and the Jedi or Sith.
"I sense Count Dooku and Taranus" Father stated making me look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I sense a trap" Ben exclaimed making me look at him.
"Next move?" I asked making Ben look at me while smirking.
"Spring the trap" Ben replied before we started to walk back but we stopped as we heard the two droids whistle, causing us to turn to them to see they were following us.
"You two go back. I need you to stay with the ship" I retorted before Ben threw R4 a communicator.
"Here. Take this, and wait for orders" Ben ordered before we walk off...

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