I'm really exhausted these days. I never really have time to myself anymore. My days are jammed back to the point of exploding.
Mondays used to be my free days. Now, I'm at school until 3pm, and then speech until 8pm.
Tuesdays, I'm at school until 3, and then speech until 6pm, therapy until 9pm.
Wednesdays, I'm at school until 3pm, visions until 4pm, speech until 8pm.
Thursdays, I'm at school until 3pm, speech until 8pm.
Fridays, I'm at school until 3pm, speech until 5pm.
Saturdays, I'm at speech from 4am to 6pm.
Sundays, I'm cleaning.
Factor that up, and add in work, school work, projects, homework, doctors, helping my little sister, eating, sleeping, etc.
I have no time whatsoever, and what I do have, I spend helping friends.
I'm so exhausted...