34. MOTHER!!

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I have to tell you that the story will now be on Fast mode till Twist. So I'm Back with another Chapter. Before starting if you guys want the Pictures of Elder then comment, But let me tell you they are not the one you are imaging. So Let's Start :

Previously - They all made plan to celebrate their victory ..........

Empecimos : -


All were in Malhotra Mansion sitting and talking about Usual. Girls were talking about Avu's London Trip and Boys were watching cricket match. They were watching when Sid's Phone rang, He saw the caller id and went outside to talk. He came back with Sad and Furious Face. All saw them and got confused + worried because they never saw him like this. He sat on the sofa near avu. Avu got up and sat beside him. She kept her hand on his Shoulder calming him and asked :

Avu - What happened, Are you okay sid ?

Sid - No I'm not.

Avu - But what happened? 

Sid - Avu this company sucks, Because of this company i can't go to London with you.

Avu - But abhi bhai can also see that work. Isn't it Abhi bhai?

Abhi - Yeah Chote, What's the big deal ?

Sid - No he can't, My appearance is important there along with my signatures.

Avu was a little sad but she didn't show that on her face and said :

Avu - So No problem na you do your Work, I'll go alone.

Sid - But i wanted to go with you and you will be alone also

Avu - Why will i be alone Darshu is there only na with me

Listening Darsh's name Sid again became a "J" And shouted :


Avu - Come on Sid, I have stayed with him since i was 10, calm down he'll not bite me and He is my Best friend. 

Sid - Avu But.. ( Avu Cuts )

Avu - No if no but you'll complete your work and at last I  have to come back to you only na.

Sid - Fine ( Grumpily )

Jan - Finally your couple problem is solved, I thought God knows what happened to him.

Vaish - Jan don't overreact okay and avu when are you going back?

Avu - Di i'm going tomorrow evening.

Reem - Means your going tomorrow so Let's Enjoy.

Jai - Yeah Let's Go

Fais - But where ??

Abhi - Idiot as it's Dinner Time so we'll Go to a restaurant and then bike ride as planned.

Reem - Wohoo So let's Go.

They all got ready. boys took their bike ( Same bikes in Ch:6 ) and Girls hopped behind their partners. All of them went to Xyz Restaurant and ate their Dinner.  After eating they all left for bike rides.

Fais - Boys Race. Winner who reaches the Hill First

Boys - Done

The girls didn't say anything as the also wanted to enjoy. All the boys Raced till The hills. All of them reached together. 

Jai - Well it was Fun

Fais - We'll surely try this again

( A/N Sorry to tell Rihan were not with them, As they went for something )

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