Chapter 8

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Instagram DM private chat
ArcaneAbditory and RosendeReads

RosendeReads 📖
How was your day? :)

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
It was fine. Why?

RosendeReads 📖
That's nice to hear :)

What do you mean, Why?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
People usually don't ask
how my day was. But thanks
for asking ig

RosendeReads 📖
Don't your parents ask how
your day has been when you
come home? Or your partner?
Or Andrey?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
No, they don't. I also don't have
a partner, so that problem
solves itself.

RosendeReads 📖
Then I'll be the one to ask you
that every single day now

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I'll give it 5 days and then you'll
forget about it :D

RosendeReads 📖


I won't forget about it! Trust me.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
We'll see ;)

RosendeReads 📖
Are you tired? Do you wanna
go to bed? It's already late,
there where you live.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I don't want to go to bed, but
I probably have to. I'll be
wrecked in the morning if I
don't go to bed now

RosendeReads 📖
Thank god it's Friday tomorrow :)
Sleep well, little bookworm.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Wow, is that my nickname now?
Seriously? XD

RosendeReads 📖
Live with it. Good night :)

Arcane Abditory [Alberto Rosende X Reader IG Story] Where stories live. Discover now