Chapter 30

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Alberto POV

Right after the opening panel Dominic and I decided to sit down backstage and drink a cup of coffee. We didn't have any more panels or sessions anyway.

"You know, maybe it would be helping if you wrote Y/N one last text? To kind of clear things? If they read it, good. If not, it's not within your power to change it." Dom suggested.

I nodded and reached for my phone.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes. I think you need a little privacy for that. But I'll return with cake. You love cake. It will surely cheer you up." He said, stood up and left.

Without having to think a lot, I started to type:

WhatsApp private messages

weetheart ❤️ and You

Hi my little sweetheart,
I don't know what's exactly going on,
but I wanted to let you know, that
the lasts months I had with you... They
were the best in my life. You brought
a smile on my face even on the
darkest days, when I drowned in stress
and everything... You held my hand over
a distance that almost broke my heart.
Whenever people talked about
heartache I didn't understand. My body
never hurted because my thoughts
wanted to. But now it does. It feels
like it's slowly bleeding out, like a cold
spot. A cold spot that used to be so
warm because you were in it. I love you.
I know, you said I'm not supposed to say
it over chat... But I can't wait no longer.
I, Alberto Rosende, love you, Y/N. So
whyever you aren't writing back... it will
change nothing in the way I feel for you.
And if you didn't answer because you're
scared or anything, please know that
we can figure everything out. If you
decide that you don't want to have
anything to do with me anymore, I
accept that too. Then remember that
you'll always keep a special spot in my
heart, that nobody else is ever going
to reach. I love you.

I clicked 'send'. It was said. While writing I didn't even notice that tears were streaming out of my eyes in a constant flow.

Your POV

Wiping the remaining tears you just had spilled, you put your jacket on and grabbed the ticket and car keys. You were trying to show up on the party, not even being sure that he would be there.

You left your flat and sat into you car, putting the radio on silent. You needed the silence right now. Maybe it would help you to calm down on the 30 minute drive.

Wanting to last the 30 minutes forever, your stomach hurting because you were nervous and scared, you reached the hotel quicker than expected.

As you parked you car and left the parking lot, you could already hear the music coming out of one of the rooms.

Going to the main entrance you showed the security man your ticket. "Seems like someone missed the entire first day."

You shook his sentence off and faked a laugh. "It's fine. It was just The Vampire Diaries today anyway. Never watched that show before. I'm here because of Shadowhunters."

"The party is already starting. Not many people are there yet, but at least some. Right down the hallways in the conference room 3. Have fun." He gave you the ticket back and without overthinking, you stepped into the hallways.

As you walked along, you heard the music getting louder and louder. In the same moment your heart beating faster and faster and breathing became harder. What would Alberto say? Would he be mad? You ignored him for two days... Screw Lily and her awful ideas. You should have told him from the beginning that you were attending the con. Playing tricks on the love of your life isn't the way to go.

Pushing the overwhelming thoughts to the back of your brain, you walked into the room, shivering and looking around. The security man was wrong. The room was filled with people and it would be hard to spot the dark haired men.

Would he dance? Would he have fun? Would he pretend that nothing happened and that he's fine? The thoughts came back, giving you a headache this time.

You stood in the entrance door and looked at every face. Some of them were familiar. You even spotted Ella in a corner. She was drunk and dancing with some other girls. You wouldn't bother her while she is having fun.

There was Joseph Morgan, Ian Somerhalder, Emeraude Toubia... But no Alberto.

The moment a man stared at you, it hit you like a lightning. It was Dom. Like in trance you didn't even really feel him grabbing your arm and pulling you into one of the private rooms for the celebrities.

Michael Malarkey and Matthew Daddario were in it. Dom simply threw them out and closed the door.

"You are Y/N." said Dom while he let go of your arm.

It was the moment the fear and the thoughts came back. You stumbled some meters back, hitting the wall with your back.

"I take that as a yes. You broke my best friend's heart. He's in bed, crying his eyes out because he thinks that you hate him. And now you show up at the party like nothing happened?!  What have you done?" He sounded angry.

"I promise that I'll explain it to you. But not now. Give me Alberto's room number. I need to talk to him." You tried to calm him down, while balancing at the edge of a black hole that threatened to swallow you.

"You know what you need to do? You need to fuck off, go and never talk to Alberto again. It would be better if you disappeared forever. Nobody needs people like you. And now leave, before I call for the security that will take you with them." By now his talking turned into screaming.

You turned around and left the room, just hearing a "Yeah, leave, you're good in that."

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