Chapter 21

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Instagram DM private chat
ArcaneAbditory and AlbertoRosende

AlbertoRosende 📖
Hey sweetheart. It's almost 7 pm.
Are you ready for our dinner?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Yes, I'm ready and nervous af

AlbertoRosende 📖
Same. I wasn't this nervous for
SUCH a long time. I just wanna
hear your voice and see your
beautiful face

Deciding not to fool around anymore, you klicked on the little phone symbol in the corner and called him. He picked up not even a second later.

Video Call between you and AlbertoRosende 📖

"Hi Alberto." you greeted him with sparkling eyes.

The man was stunning. The messy brown hair and the beautiful dark eyes that seemed like melted chocolate in the sun. The long face, perfect lips and the faint facial hair. He was the definition of perfection.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm looking at you right now. You're even more beautiful than I expected." Alberto ripped you out of your thoughts.

You immediately felt your cheeks flushing and tried to hide it with your hands.

"Nooo, dont hide. I'll stop with the compliments if you feel uncomfortable. But don't hide." His soft voice echoed in your ears.

For some minutes you just stared at each other, not believing that after all this time you were talking.

"How was your day?" You interrupted the silence with a soft smile.

"It was actually amazing. I was on set. I mean, we're shooting season 2B of shadowhunters right now. It can be a little stressful but I really really enjoy fooling around with Dom on set. How was yours?" He asked back.

You talked for some more and ate your separate foods (it was a dinner after all) until it was about midnight at your place. As if Alberto hung a clock up with your current time, he asked if you wanna hang up to go and sleep.

"No, I don't care that I have work tomorrow... Well, today. I don't want this to end." You complained.

"But you look so tired." He answered with a played pout. "What if I read something to you again?"

Deciding that was a good compromis, you nodded.

"10 minutes for preparing for bed and then I want to see you wrapped up in blankets and closed eyes." He ordered and laughed.

"Yes, ma'am." You answered, chuckled and stood up to brush your teeth in the little bathroom and to change into you pj's.

Then you grabbed your phone, laid in the bed and wrapped yourself in the blankets. Alberto was in bed too.

"Are you ready?" He asked and opened the book.

As you nodded, he started to read. "We were driving down a blessedly empty I-4, and I was following Margo's directions. The clock on the dashboard..."

Again your eyes started to get heavy but you tried to fight it, not wanting the night to end, but it had no use. You drifted into a deep and calm sleep.

About two hours later you woke up, your throat sore. You were thirsty. Expecting the phone to be out and Alberto gone, you were surprised that the video call was still going. The moment you opened your eyes, you saw the sleeping Alberto in his bed, the book rising slowly by his breathing on his chest. A soft smile made his face even more beautiful.

Arcane Abditory [Alberto Rosende X Reader IG Story] Where stories live. Discover now