Chapter 32

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"Hey, Mister Postponed." You brought out with a cracked voice.

You couldn't come further as Alberto embraced you tight. You couldn't hold yourself up and both of you fell backwards into the hallway, he on top of you.

Alberto buried his face in the nape of your neck and you could feel the salty tears of him running down your cold skin.

Feeling his tears, you couldn't hold it back either. Wrapping your arms around his upper body, you laid the back of your head onto the floor, letting the tears form puddles on the marbel floor.

So that's what if felt like to meet the love of your life. It felt like everything at the same time. You were happy, sad, grateful, weepy, secure, desperate, peaceful, wounded and so much more.

The tears wouldn't stop in the 5 minutes that you laid there, him on top of you. His tears stopped, yours just began flowing.

Alberto sat up in front of you and pulled you up with him. "We should go inside. If you want that." He suggested.

You nodded and together you went inside, closing the door.

Your face felt hot and steamy, you knew that you were bright red. The tears were literally burning on your skin.

"You wanna go on the balcony? I think we both could use some fresh air right now." Alberto said and already dragged you to the door of the balcony, holding your hand tight. He didn't make the impression that he was mad.

Sitting down outside leaving the balcony door open, the cold november air hit you. It felt so good.

You couldn't believe that Alberto was sitting right next to you, still holding onto your hand tight, as if he feared you'd disappear if he let go of it.

Sitting there in silence for some minutes, waiting for the tears to ebb away, Alberto was the one that broke the silence.

"What did I do wrong?" The question broke your heart. He gave himself the fault in everything.

"The only wrong thing that you did, was falling in love with me." Was all you brought out before the tears came up.

"Don't say that. It's not true. Falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. But you must have had a reason to not answer anymore. I was too clingy, wasn't I?" He was truly concerned.

You shook your head no. "No, you were just perfect. I was the problem. I talked to a friend about the con and we thought it would be a good idea to tell you that I'm not coming so I could surprise you. I literally live 30 minutes away from here. When you asked where I live to book a hotel, I lost my nerves and feared that you might be mad because I lied to you by saying I live too far away. Another friend of mine said that I should just ignore you the last two days and still surprise you. Why did I do what she said? She is known for having the worst ideas ever! And I was so stupid and couldn't think properly and now we're here and you think I'm weird and now you probably hate me." You started to ramble, almost forgetting to breathe.

"You wanted to surprise me?" He asked.

You nodded. "I am sorry."

"A wise person once told me that people should stop apologizing for things that aren't worth apologizing for." Alberto said, the warmth in his brown eyes almost unbearable.

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