Chapter 28

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The days have gone by and only some more days and a few hours separated you and Alberto. He was still very sad about the fact, that you officially couldn't come...

In real you already planned your outfit, cleaned your entire flat, dusted all the hundreds of books and so much more. Being so nervous all the time wasn't good for your nerves. And to fight the thoughts off, you tried to do as many chores as possible.

WhatsApp private chat
Alberto 💕 and You

Alberto 💕
I talked to my collegues and my
boss and they said that maybe it's
possible for me to come back to
set some days later. So I could search
for a hotel near your place and
maybe come over after the con?
We could hang out for some days.
At least in the evenings, when you're
not at work.


That message almost broke your heart. Nobody ever wanted to meet you so bad. You didn't want him to book a hotel. You literally lived like 30 minutes away from the convention and you couldn't share your location. Alberto would notice that you lied, by saying that you live too far away.

Being totally clueless of what to answer, you decided to write into the group chat with the few friends that you had.

WhatsApp Group Sassy Sesslons
You, Andrey 🦌, Ella 😍, Lily 🦇, Kait 🦋

I have such a huge problem...
Alberto wants to book a hotel
near my home, so he can come
over and visit. He will notice
that I lied

Kait 🦋
Awww, you two are adorable

Andrey 🦌
No offence, but he would have
noticed your lie anyway. Who
actually came up with the dumb
idea to surprise him like that?

Ella 😍
That was me, Andrey. And I
honestly didn't think it through.

Andrey 🦌
You don't say...

No fighting, please. Should I just tell
him that I'll come to the convention?

Andrey 🦌
He'll be mad. You have to come
up with an excuse

Kait 🦋
On the other hand he could also
be mad if you randomly showed
up at the con. You lied to him after

Ella 😍
He would not have been mad. He
would be surprised and super happy.
Andrey is right. We need to find
an excuse. But what excuse exactly?

Andrey 🦌
Something happened to Y/N and
Y/N is in the hospital

Kait 🦋
Too much drama

Lily 🦇
Did someone say drama?

Andrey 🦌
I am not okay with Alberto
meeting Y/N? I would give away
my pride for that hahaha

Hell, no. We're not gonna do that.

Andrey 🦌
Okay... last excuse. You tell
Alberto that you simply don't
want to meet him

Ella 😍
No, Y/N, you're NOT going to say

Kait 🦋
You'll break his heart by saying that

I can't do this. Folks, I'm crying right

Lily 🦇
I have an idea. Might not be the
best either but dude... There are
like 2 days left until the convention.
Tell him "Yeah sure. Do you need
the exact adress?" and then you
shut off your wifi and turn your
phone off and ignore him the next
two days. Why are you all so
complicated? It's so simple.

Andrey 🦌
How often do you you actually
ghost people, Lily? Just curious.
Gimme a number

Lily 🦇
It's NOT about me but like 200
times probably hahahaha

Kait 🦋
I hate to say that, because Alberto
will be worried, but Lily is right

Ella 😍
It's honestly the best way to come
out of this situation. You should do
what Lily said.

Andrey 🦌

You are right. I'll do that. I hate
my life... Thank you guys. I really
hope it works like that

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