Chapter 16

43 8 3

Instagram DM private chat
ArcaneAbditory and AlbertoRosende

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Do you think that minerals can
communicate with each other?

AlbertoRosende 📖
Sweetheart, are you drunk

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
No, I just can't sleep. It's 2 am
and I'm in bed since like 11pm.
I'm so tired

AlbertoRosende 📖
What does usually help when
you can't sleep?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Usually I read but I can't

AlbertoRosende 📖
Let me read something to you.
Choose a book.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
How will you read to me?

AlbertoRosende 📖
Video chat. Just lay the phone
right next to you and I'll read
something to you. Maybe that helps

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
But I don't want to waste your time

AlbertoRosende 📖
You are definitely not wasting
my time. I'd love to read something
to you. So come on, what book?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Do you know John Green?
Paper Towns?

AlbertoRosende 📖
I have all the books of John Green.
No exception. I'll call you and you
just listen and hopefully fall asleep

Incoming video call from AlbertoRosende

He seriously did it. He called you without hesitation. Nervous you picked up and laid the phone next to you, the camera facing the light up ceiling.

Alberto: Do you sleep with the lights on? Come on, switch them off. You can't rest good enough when the light is on. Trust me.

You: Okay 'Dad'.

You heard his soft chuckle when you turned the light off and got cozy again.

Alberto: It's nice to hear your voice. I usually just see your comments and never knew what you sound like.

You: I'm currently ruining your dinner-over-distance experience. It was supposed to be the first time we Video call...

Alberto: No no no. I'm glad to hear your voice NOW. And NOW you close your eyes and let me read to you, so you fall asleep soon to have enough energy for work.

You: Thank you, Berto.

Alberto: Always, my Y/N.

You closed your eyes and adjusted the volume of the video call.

Alberto: "The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. Like, I will probably never be struck by a lightning, or win a Nobel Prize, or became the dictator of a small nation in the Pacific Islands, or contract terminal..."

You felt yourself immediately drifing asleep to the soft voice, that lulled you into a concon of comfort and genuine love.

Arcane Abditory [Alberto Rosende X Reader IG Story] Where stories live. Discover now