Chapter 31

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Storming out of the conference room, you ran around some corners into a random hallways, falling to the floor, sobbing.

After about 20 minutes of solid crying, you heard steps towards you. Deciding to stay silent and playing drunk to spare yourself the blame, you hid your face in your hands.

"Are you okay?" You recognized the voice immediately.

As you looked up you saw Kat McNamara.

The face wet with tears, eyes red and puffy, you nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You are Y/N." She said and sat down next to you.

"Heard that sentence before today. Didn't turn out too well. If you wanna scream at me, do it. I deserve it." You said with a cracked and sore voice.

She shook her head no. "I'm a strong believer that people act a certain way because they have a solid reason. I don't judge, I don't blame. But I can't explain myself why you are here. May I ask why?"

"I wanted to see Alberto at the party, but he wasn't there. Dom ended up screaming at me and said that I have to leave. It will be better that way. I just didn't make it to my car before. Excuse me..." You said while trying to stand up. Your whole body ached and you knew that you weren't in the shape to drive at all. The worst thing that could happen was you dying... But maybe that wouldn't be bad at all, you thought to yourself.

"Now that you are here, I think you should go to Alberto's room and talk to him. I'll bring you there." Kat looked at you with her big green eyes and a slight smile on her face.

You nodded and that seemingly amused her. "I am going down with that ship. I've never seen Alberto so happy before. You are so good for him."

Deciding to ignore her comment, you followed her the elevator. It took you some minutes to get to the corridor of the celebrities and you had passed some security people.

"Room 524. I think I should let you do this alone, except you want me to stay. I will need to have a serious conversation with Dom. What he did was not okay." She explained, still a smile her face. How could people be so happy?

She left. You were alone.

You shivered and clenched your hands into fists, almost drawing blood by pushing the nails deep into the flesh as you positioned yourself right in front of room number 524.

The nausea almost being unbearable you rose your hand and knocked onto the door three times, shaking.

No answer.

You did it again.

No answer.

You came so far, you wouldn't give up. You knocked harder.

"Fuck fuckings sake, Dom! Just let me alone." A male voice screamed from inside. You would recognize that voice from million of voices.

Not being able to find and form words, you knocked again.

You heard someone ramble inside towards the door and two seconds later someone opened the door with an angry expression that soon fade into a expression that couldn't be explained.

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