Chapter 29

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You did what Lily adviced you to do.

WhatsApp private chat 
Alberto 💕 and You

Of course!!!!! I can't wait to
finally see you. Do you need
the exact adress?


And with that you shut the wifi and switched the phone off, throwing it into the corner of your room, tears running down your cheeks in a constant flow.

You could tell that Alberto would read the message in less than 10 minutes. He always does. And then he'll answer and wait for my response. After two hours he'll send another message and start to get worried. He'll try to call you several times and you would sit here, hugging your knees and bawling your eyes out.

The man of your dreams and you possibly just fucked it up.

This night you didn't sleep.

The day before the convention wasn't better. It was even worse.

You were constantly stressed and started to cry at least once an hour. 

Crying yourself to sleep, you woke up again at 3am the next morning. Getting up you packed a backpack with all the stuff you would need.

After you were done, you sat down on the edge of your bed. Alberto was probably already here. Just 30 minutes away and he either didn't care that he got no response or he was disappointed in you.

You had a talent to destroy everything that you loved and that meant something for you. And this was one of it.

The next hours didn't seem to pass. You didn't care about the convention. Not at all. All you cared about was Alberto.

Ella and you had the glorious idea that you'd wait until the evening when the party starts and then you'd appear on the party and search for alcohol. You didn't want to disturb in the panelsl, autographs or photoshoots. That meant you still had an entire day to spend and wait.

Alberto POV

It was 6am. I stared into the mirror. Big dark circles decorated my puffy and red eyes and my skin was pale. I was shattered.

There aren't a lot of people that meant something to me, so it just hurts even more when someone of those people decide to simply disappear.

I was probably too clingy and scared Y/N.

I wanted to leave this country again as soon as I could. My heart was aching like never before, Every thought about Y/N brought more tears to the surface. I would go the panel and then chill. Today are only the photosessios and autographs with the cast of the Vampire Diaries. I was mostly free.

Some minutes later, after I got ready, someone knocked onto the door. I opened and saw Dom right in front of it.

"You ready for the day, champ?" He tried to sound cheerful.

"Y/N still didn't answer." Was all I brought out before I started to cry again. Dom embraced me tightly.

"Oh buddy, I know it sucks." 

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