Chapter 14

42 9 2

Instagram DM private chat
ArcaneAbditory and AlbertoRosende

AlbertoRosende 📖
Hey Y/N :) I'm currently logged
out of the other account, but I
mean, I didn't forget my job:
How was your day?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
It was fine. Yours?

AlbertoRosende 📖
No more drama at work? Well,
my day was amazing so far. I
hanged out with Dom, went to
eat and now I'm chatting with you :)

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
That's good to hear :) say hi to
Dom from me the next time you
see him.
Yeah well, I distanced myself from
all the drama. Sometimes walking
off a situation is better than staying.

AlbertoRosende 📖
That's the spirit, my little
bookworm ♥️

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I HATE that nickname xD

AlbertoRosende 📖
Okay, I'll stop hahaha
Hey btw...
What are you doing next
Sunday besides bookclub?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I have no hobbies so literally...
Nothing than sleeping and eating.

AlbertoRosende 📖
I thought you maybe wanted
to video call?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
But I'm uglyyyyy on Sundays
Well, actually, the week days
don't have a lot to do with
that xD

AlbertoRosende 📖
I bet you are beautiful

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Haha you bet wrong

AlbertoRosende 📖
Then prove it. Sunday 7pm
your time? Dinner over distance?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
What? Are you serious? XD

AlbertoRosende 📖
I'll take that as a 'Yes, Alberto,
I'd love to have dinner over
distance at 7pm on Sunday'

Arcane Abditory [Alberto Rosende X Reader IG Story] Where stories live. Discover now