Chapter 11

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Instagram DM private chat
Rosendereads and Andreylovesreindeers

RosendeReads 📖
Hey. You don't really know me,
but I wanted to let you know
that Y/N probably isn't so fine
right now. Drinking alone at
home isn't a good sign.

Andreylovesreindeers 🦌
I know :)

RosendeReads 📖
You know?! And you let her?!

Andreylovesreindeers 🦌
Y/N has a fucking strong will.
It's fine. Y/N is practiced,
he/she does it often.
Don't worry about it.

Rosendereads 📖
But I do worry about it!
You can't just let Y/N alone!

Andreylovesreindeers 🦌
Why do you even care?

Rosendereads 📖
That's none of your business.
Just promise me to drive
over to Y/N's house and keep
an eye on the situation.

Andreylovesreindeers 🦌
Fine. But just this once.

Rosendereads 📖
Thank you.
seen 11:58 pm

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