Chapter 12

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Instagram DM private chat
ArcaneAbditory and RosendeReads

RosendeReads 📖
You avoided every message that
I've send you and you aren't
answering any of my video calls.
Seen 07:12 pm

What happened is nothing to be
ashamed for, if that's the reason
why you aren't answering
Seen 07:20 pm

I don't want you to stop talking
to me. I enjoyed our talks.
Seen 07:26 pm

Okay, last shot to save this
communication. I'll tell you my worst
drunk story.
So I was celebrating the 25th
birthday of Dom and because
we didn't celebrate his 24th birthday,
we wanted to make it big. We
bought tons of alcohol and a huge
party pizza that covered the entire
table. It was amazing. Would have
been amazing... If a certain mister
Rosende had his body under control
while drunk... Especially his feet. I
stumbled and fell right into the
pizza and when I tried to stand up,
I stumbled backwards again and
smeared everything onto the wall.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
You destroyed a precious pizza?

RosendeReads 📖
There is my little bookworm ♥️

Your breathing hitched and your eyes started tearing up when you say the heart emoji he send.

RosendeReads 📖
Are you okay now?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I think so, yes

RosendeReads 📖
Where you ashamed because
of what happened?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I texted THE Alberto Rosende
completely drunk and asked him,
why humans have cats instead of
foxes as pets. Just for him to be
so worried to send my best buddy
over so I don't choke on my tongue
or something. Obviously, I'm VERY

RosendeReads 📖
Don't be ashamed. You probably
had your reasons to drink, even
if I would definitely appreciate it,
if you would tell me about your
problems, rather than drowning
them in alcohol.

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
I'll keep that in mind, Berto

RosendeReads 📖

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
So what?

RosendeReads 📖
What's was wrong? Did something
happen to you? Alcohol doesn't
solve problems, you know...

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
It's nothing actually. I just had a
fight with one of my collegues at
work and it turned into a little
drama and all. Kinda stressed me
a lot

RosendeReads 📖
Thank you for trusting and telling
me. It means a lot. And it's most
certainly not 'nothing'. Drama at
work is never good. Will you be
able to solve the problem with
your boss?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Well, my collegue will probably
be fired. I just felt guilty.

RosendeReads 📖
What did you feel guilty?

ArcaneAbditory 🌌
Because I always feel guilty
about everything and everyone,
even if I did nothing wrong.

RosendeReads 📖
It will be fine, little bookworm ♥️

Arcane Abditory [Alberto Rosende X Reader IG Story] Where stories live. Discover now