chapter 15

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Taehyung POV

I carried Jungkook in bridal style, he held his cast and I started running since it was pouring down hard.


I held out a towel for Jungkook to dry his hair . 

“Can I borrow your clothes ”?. He asked

“Sure Jungkook they might be loose though” .

“It's ok the more loose the more comfortable”.he said with a bright bunny smile .

I handed him my grey hoodie and black shorts .When he came out he looked like the cutest creature alive my hoodie was quite oversized for him it reached his mid thighs which prevented the shorts to be seen his hands couldn't be seen from the sleeves he looked like a kid wearing his father's t shirt. I fake cuffed to break the awkward atmosphere.

“Ah-ah -ah! you can use the guest room it's just the opposite room if you need anything give me a call”.

“Ok, thankyou.goodnight”. Jungkook said in a baby voice and left.

I was sleeping when I suddenly hear a shuffle .  Jungkook walked towards my bed with sleepy eyes yawning like a cute bunny who had been disturbed from his beauty sleep.

  Jungkook walked towards my bed with sleepy eyes yawning like a cute bunny who had been disturbed from his beauty sleep

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“What Happened”? I asked .

He said nothing he laid beside me and cuddled me his face snuggled in my chest.

“I can't sleep because of the thunder and lightning I am scared so I came to cuddle”. He said Ina sleepy yet cute baby voice.

I was surprised and shocked and Every other adjective that matches with the scenario. He didn't mind he just came and slept beside me that too snuggled up in me as though he claims me. I felt butterflies in my stomach I closed my eyes to have the best dream of my life I don't know what this feeling is but I never thought that a person who bullied me all my childhood would give me butterflies in my stomach.

Jungkooks POV

I was sleeping cozily under the comforter. When suddenly I heard lightning . I got scared . O wanted to hold someone I needed warmth I wanted that assurance . So without thinking I went to Taehyungs room . Who cares if he is asleep he only told him that if he needs Taehyung he could call him.

I rubbed my eyes carried my pillow and comforter to his room .

“What happened”? He asked I didn't reply just position my pillow and snuggled into his comforter in to his chest I felt warmth I could sleep I felt safe i haven't felt that for quite sometime now .

I woke up in the morning we were cuddling  the sunrays fell on his face he was pouting I couldn't imagine a ride and arrogant Taehyung could look this cute .

I got up did the morning routine and went to the kitchen to make some pancakes and tea for us.

Taehyungs POV

I woke up to soft and sweet smell . I brushed my teeth and went out . I saw Jungkook cooking he looked cute in an apron .

“So what are you making”? He sat in front of Jungkook on a high stool

“Pancakes”! Jungkook said with a smile.

“Pancakes mmmmm . Niceeee” !
We ate the pancakes he didn't bring upthe last night's event so I didn't mention it .  After that he left for his dorm and I went back to the bed room to rest since it was a Sunday we start practice from tomorrow . Though we have lots of time before finals but we want to make sure that the path between us and the trophy is clear .

(A month later)

Taehyungs POV

Today was the day when Jungkook could finally get rid of his plaster and cast he just sometimes need someone to hold his hand now . The doctor said he is doing quite well and he might not need so much time to repair and could  play for finals .

“JIMINNNNN !I Finally got rid of  them ”. Jungkook was shouting like a maniac and so was his best friend jimin .

“YESSSSS LETS PARTYYYYYY!” Jimin said equally excited .

“Shut up jimin now that he got his plaster off he needs to practice I said” .
They both pouted Yoongi and I started laughing they behave like toddlers sometimes.

“Yes jimin he is right but we could celebrate ill cook for tonight dinner at our dorm tonight what say guys?” Jin suggested”.

“Sure! who's gonna say no to your food hyung” .

“I will help you ”. Namjoon said .


Ok ! Namjoon sulked.

We all were laughing when suddenly yugeyom ran and hugged Jungkook I got annoyed why does he have to be so clingy I thought.

“JUNGKOOK! Congratulations for getting the plaster off to celebrate I got two movie tickets for tomorrow will you come with me it's a romantic movie I thought you'll like it ”. Yugeyom said .

OK!   Jungkook said with a smile .

What the hell he just asked him out and who goes wto watch romantic movies with friends and why did Jungkook say yes . I gritterd my teeth but then jimin said something and I'll be forever in debt to him for that.

“Jungkook we all should go don't you think ”?

“Yes I think jimin is right” . I said in case Jungkook tried to drop the call.

“But tickets -

“On me”!  I cut yugeyom and said .

Jungkook exclaimed and started jumping with jimin . I couldn't believe he is the same person who was supposed to have a broken leg.

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