Are You A Secret

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"You can't run away from me forever."

You sigh.

"I am not running away."

"You are."

"I'm not ! See I'm right there, right in front of you."

She rolls her eyes.

"Don't do that."

"Do what ?"

"You know what I mean."

You open your laptop and nervously make your nails click on your desk.

"Priscilla won't you let go ?!"

Your friend sits on the edge of the desk, looking over you.

"No I won't ! I want to know. I know you saw her. You did right ? What happened ? And I want a name. Tell me. Please."

"Priscilla this is my private life and I'd like to keep it private !"

"Yeah but I'm a part of it though. So... I mean I guess I'm allowed to know a bit more about it."

You bury your face in your hands. Why is she so complicated again ?

"Alright meet me at mine tonight. At eight. And go to work."

"Don't run like last time."

"What does it matter, you caught me in my car."

She laughs and sends a kiss towards you before leaving your office.

"Well shit."

You know Priscilla too much to hope she won't ask too many informations. You're gonna get burnt. And although day after day you realize the extent of your love for Angelina, and want to scream to the whole wide world just about how much you love her, you can't afford it to get known by anybody. Not even Angelina herself.

The last thing you'd want to do is to push her away by being to direct. If she ever let go of you you know your life would collapse. She's everything to you now. She's in your thoughts every second and fills your dreams with love every night. She's the sunrise bringing hope and light, and the sunset bathing you in the warmest feeling before blinding you through her touch on your skin. She's light and darkness, peace and conflict, sweetness and toughness. She is everything and she means everything to you. You know your whole world revolves on her. It's scaring you, it terrifies you that a simple stare changed the way your brain works, the order of things. It terrorizes you that in only a matter of a few weeks she's become necessary to your survival.

You want to tell her but your scared to lose her. You know how close from saying 'I love you' you were the last time you saw her, nearly a week ago. After your appointment you had called her to ask her if she still was at her appartement but she hadn't answered. She had called you minutes after, telling you she had to fly back to some place you couldn't remember for a reshoot. As much as you wanted to see her, hold her and kiss her, you sweetly wished her good luck and she had apologized, she truly wanted to see you before she left but hadn't had the chance. She'd called you every night since, and all day everyday this call was all you could think about. Hearing her voice was everything you wanted.

So you spend your day trying to work as much as you can with every memory of Angelina playing in your head, over and over again. Her smile, her eyes, they're all you see all day and you can see your creativity weaken when she's far away. You try so hard to focus but your mind won't let go of the image of Angelina.

Around 4 you leave the office early, leaving a note for Priscilla telling her to meet you at your place with dinner ; the price of the truth. You take your jacket and your handbag and walk out the building in a hurry. You want to talk to Angelina. You get in your car faster than you ever did and in no time you're home.

Your appartement has never been neater. You know Angelina won't be back for at least another week but you want to be ready if she ever comes around, so you tidied everything up and cleaned the whole thing so that, if it's still nothing like Angelina's, your appartement won't look like a disgusting mess she won't want to step in ever again. Therefore for the last six days your place has been absolutely neat and it hasn't even bothered you.

You throw your bag on one of the chairs and put your jacket in the big wardrobe in your room. You walk towards the telephone and sit comfortably in your small crappy old couch. You seize the handset and wait for a second, taking a deep breath before calling Angelina's number. She answers the call quickly, faster than you thought.

"Hello sweetheart"

Your heart melts hearing her warm voice call you by the nickname.


"Everything alright ? We usually call later in the day."

"Yes... Yes. I'm okay."

You know you can't lie to her.

"You don't sound like it."

You hear some voices in the background but you can't discern what language they're speaking. It's loud behind her, sounds like a lot of traffic, just as in LA. Pollution is everywhere then, that's true.

"Where are you ? There's a lot of noise out there."

"Y/N what's going on ?"

You can hear the worry in her voice and you instantly regret calling her. Worrying her is the last thing you want to do. Knowing she's worried makes you want to vomit.

"Don't worry I'm fine."

"Why are you calling me that early then ? Why are you calling me at all ? I usually call. What's going on ?"

"Nothing much I promise you, I... I'm okay it's just..."

"What ?"

She sounds a bit impatient and it crushes you.

"It's nothing just... I have this one friend. She's my best friend and she's knows I'm seeing someone. And she wants to know about you. And... I got worried because I don't know how much I can tell, I don't know if I can tell her anything at all, and I'm scared I'll say too much and it'll impact you. And I don't want to do anything that would do some wrong to you or your career, or to your son, and so I just don't know what I can say to her, she's coming tonight and I don't know, I don't..."


Her voice is firm but it feels softer than before.

"Y/N, darling, it's okay. It's gonna be alright. Just tell her how much you want to tell her. You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to be alright whatever happens. She's your friend and from what I've heard you trust her. You can trust her with my name. And if you can't then it's okay, you just need to be honest and say what you're comfortable saying. Don't stop yourself because of me. Don't be so worried. It's gonna be alright."

You were so focused on her voice you didn't notice the noise around her fade.

"I promise it will be."

Before you can say a word, your doorbell rings. You still don't say a word but you're pretty sure Angelina heard. It's time for goodbyes.

"It's okay, go open that door."

"Hold on I'm not leaving you like that, I'll just check but I'll be back."

"It's okay honey you can hang up."

"No. I cant."

You can't. You haven't said enough to each other. You haven't properly said your goodbyes. You can't leave the call now.

"I'll be back."

With the handset in your left hand, held close to your chest, you walk to the door to open it. The door creaks as you open it, as always, but you can't hear it.

"It's gonna be okay."

Angelina puts down her phone and smiles.

i literally couldn't write this chapter idk why so i started another fanfic ab cate blanchett that should be out when i'm done with my other one angel
not take flight related but lmao gotta do your own promo
hope you liked this tho

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