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Five years ago, when Derek assaulted Maria, the Louis women made a pact to never allow another man into their lives.

For a year after that pact, no one knew what they were all about. They went around exposing the lies of cheating husbands and boyfriends.
If a man ever hit on them, they'd ask if he was married or dating and if he was they'd hook up with him and expose him in the act to his wife or girlfriend.

For a year people were easily falling into their traps and even after that year. For the whole time, the Louis women were tyrants, men fell into their trap here and there until the whole of California knew what the Louis women were about. And even still, they were able to expose men to their wives and girlfriends.

But after those five years, a man was now returning to the United States after going to South Africa for six years. He heard about the Louis women and their reign of tyranny in California.

He wasn't shaken by their ways. He was awestruck by Maria's beauty and nature. They knew each other before all this had happened but Noah had to leave for South Africa for his studies.
"Maria Louis, a beauty who has sworn to hate all men forever" Benjamin, Noah's best friend told him.

"I know her. We used to be schoolmates. I didn't know that she had changed this much" Noah said with a small smile. He took the magazine from Ben and opened it. Maria's family owned a fashion magazine called Women of the Louis Lineage. And this month Maria was featured in the whole magazine. With a few pictures of her sister, mother, and other models.

Since she was the CEO of their fashion industry, she decided who would work with her and who wouldn't. And that is why Women of the Louis Lineage was a company that had no male employees.
None of their companies had male employees.

Noah flipped through the magazine and at a point came across Maria in black lingerie. Her black hair was all over her face and she was in black lipstick.
His eyes were glued to that page and Benjamin noticed it.

"I wonder what you'll do if you see her in that lingerie physically" Benjamin teased and Noah rolled his eyes and flipped the page over.

"I would never see her like that unless I barge into her room at night. Get your dirty mind waxed before you talk to me Benjamin" Noah scolded and gave the magazine back to Benjamin.

Apart from their fashion industry, the Louis family had many other companies. And they were all run by the three women. Maria was running their clothing industry and one of their hotels. Gina was running their Import and export company. And their mother was running all their other companies that took a lot of effort.
Maria was sitting in her bathtub relaxing in the warm water when she heard her phone ring.
"Sixteen minutes. That is all I ask for. I can't even have sixteen fucking minutes to myself!" she exclaimed and picked up her phone
"This better be good," she said sternly to the person on the other end.
"It is important... There is a man here--"
"Dismiss him!" Maria interrupted and the girl on the other side sighed.
"I tried Miss Maria, but he has refused to leave until he gets a fair interview"
"Suzanne I said dismiss him" Maria repeated
"You know what?!! I'm coming there. Just give me twenty minutes" Maria said and put the phone down.

She got dressed in her usual work attire, jumped into her car, and drove to her office. When she got there everywhere went silent. Just like it always did.

She walked to the reception and stood in front of Suzanne.
"Where is he?!" she asked angrily and Suzanne pointed to one of the chairs in front of her desk. Maria turned around and she was shocked. It was Noah Hernandez. The Noah Hernandez who was her college mate. The same Noah who every girl was in love with, and even at some point Maria was one of those girls.

He was very attractive but Maria refused to allow his charms to work on her. He had black wavy hair that had been parted to the side. His eyes were blue and he was an all round handsome man.
Maria took a deep breath and crossed her hands across her chest.

"Noah Hernandez," she said and he looked up from his phone. He looked at her with wide eyes and a small smile as he took in her features.
"Maria Louis" he responded and they held a look for a while until Maria cleared her throat.

"It was nice of you to pay me a visit but I don't employ men in my company" she informed and he nodded his head slowly.
"It doesn't say that in the magazine. Wanna take a look?" he said and offered her the magazine. She looked down at it and then looked straight into his eyes.
"Mr. Noah Hernandez, I do not work with men" Maria repeated and Noah put the magazine on the chair he was sitting on and got up.

"And Miss. Louis I told you that it doesn't say anything about you not working with men in the magazine"
Maria was starting to get angry now and closed her eyes before taking deep breaths.

"I have a right to be given a fair interview and if I'm not qualified you may send me away" Noah added and everyone in the office turned to look at them. Maria looked around and saw how everyone was anticipating her answer. They were all surprised by the fact that there was a man in Women of the Louis Lineage and Maria hadn't grabbed him by his collar and thrown him out yet.

They were surprised that there had been a man in the office for more than ten minutes. And they suspected that he had something to do with Maria. Something personal.
And the next thing Maria said increased their suspicion tenfold.
"This way," she said to him and led him towards her office. Two words, just two had proved that Maria Louis was melting in front of Noah Hernandez.

When Maria got to her office she asked him to sit and that's what he did. But she was walking around the room with a pen in her hand. She kept pushing it in and out.
"Now tell me, what position in my company are you looking for?" Maria finally asked Noah.
"I was planning on applying for the position of one of your fashion designers. I have some-" she held her hand up to cut him off.
"Mr. Noah Hernandez, if you want a job in my company - which you won't get - I suggest you talk less. I only have one job opening and it's a job for my ladies," she told him
"What is it?"
"My assistant" she answered and Noah's eyes widened and his face fell. She turned to look at him and felt happy because she thought she had won but his next words shocked her
"I'll take it".......
Who else feels like Noah doesn't need the job, he just wants to work with Maria?

Hii my pretties, I'm back with another chapter. Don't forget to tell me what you think and vote while you await the next one.

Stay safe, love y'all
Xoxo, Pearl

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