Chapter 1

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The summer air ruffled the evergreen trees on a quiet Saturday morning. Just kidding, nothing is ever really quiet in the Stratton house. 

Let me tell you about the family. We have Mom, Savannah Stratton, the hardworking and patient woman who keeps the family functioning. She is pretty loose and isn't too firm, after all, she only has two girls who are both tweens. 

Next is Dad, Roger Stratton, the fun, loving and joke-able dad who loves to laugh and watch the family smile. He isn't at home too often as he works as a teacher for the 8th grade and is constantly meeting up with other teachers to plan lessons. His only downfall is the amount of dad jokes he tells. 

Now the Twins, Emily and Ella. They are complete opposites and you wouldn't even think they are related let alone twins if they didn't look exactly alike. Emily is the rambunctious and outgoing girl who loves to be a little reckless and live life. She causes a lot of trouble however and has the mindset of a 5 year old. Ella on the other hand is your typical eleven year old. she loves to read and chill alone. She isn't too keen on socializing with a large crowd of people but gets very good grades and is a people pleaser. These two fight often, especially about Ella being older by four minutes. 

And that's the four of them. One happy family.

Meanwhile, in the twins room, Ella was peacefully reading on her beanbag while Emily was pacing around the room groaning. "Emily! I'm trying to read if you don't mind!" Ella shouted across the room. Their house isn't very big and so Mom let the two have the master bedroom and make an imaginary line in the middle to separate them. It isn't the most ideal thing but it works. They shared a bathroom which happened to be in the middle of the line.     

"Sorry, but I'm BORED. How do you still have something to do? I spent the whole summer doing everything, making puzzles, painting, gaming and now I have nothing to do." Emily replied flopping onto her bed. She gazed over to her sister's side of the room.

Ella's room has a teal and white theme. she has her bed against the window sill and a vanity across from that. There were pictures on her walls, many books piled everywhere and fancy decorations. She has a letter E wood piece that she painted too resting on her nightstand. Emily's side was completely different however. Her room was painted yellow with black furniture which was peeling on the edges from Emily constantly picking at it. Her vanity was overloaded with papers, hair ties, lotions, self care products and gum. Underneath her bed was filled with things from years ago, called the Blackhole. If something is missing it is mostly likely in there. Her letter E was laying underneath her vanity.

"I still have 5 books from the library that I haven't read yet. You could read them too, it'll keep you busy for hours" Ella suggested not looking up from her book. Emily stared at her.

"You want me to read? You know how much I hate reading! Too many words!" she said covering her eyes as if it'll make the piles of books disappear. Ella rolled her eyes and looked up,

"If you tried to enjoy it I'm sure you'd enjoy it! But if you aren't then go groan somewhere else!"

Emily glared at her sister and stuck her tongue out as she walked out of the room. Geez a little rude. She paced around the house but ended up outside. She looked around on the court she lived on. She saw some kids playing in dirt, some family getting into their car and.... Samantha!

Samantha Alexis Crowell, Emily's best friend in the whole world. They met at preschool and quickly became best friends with Ella and Emily. Although she hung out with Emily more. It's honestly a miracle that Samantha was friends with Emily. They were also opposites. 

"Hey Sam!" Emily called. Samantha was currently watering her garden and turned around greeting Emily in return.

"Hey Em! What are you doing here? Did I leave my sweater at your house?" she asked putting down the hose. Emily laughed lightly and shook her head as she sat on the porch.

"No, I just wanted to say hi. I'm really bored and decided to take a walk to look for ideas."

"Hmmm, How about you help me garden? It's pretty fun" she suggested, holding up a shovel. Emily scrunched up her nose as she eyed the shovel and the flowers, "Thanks but no thanks. I don't think I'll be much of a help and I wouldn't want to upset your mom if I do something wrong" 

Samantha rolled her eyes, " and definitely not because you don't want to garden." She said as she took off her gloves and sat down, "hm, you could read a book or watch tv or do homework or buy school supplies or clean your room, or do something productive?"

Emily stared at her in dismay, "Samantha. You are my best friend in the world and you know me better than I know myself... so why on earth did you list those things?"

"Because those things can help you in life Em!" she said throwing her hands and sighing, "look, sorry I'm not helping but this sun is scorching and all I can think of is a nice glass of cold lemonade or iced tea or even just water-" she started before Emily gasped.

"Samantha! You're a genius! Of course, it's a hot day and people would want a drink and lemonade is a drink and you want lemonade and I can make lemonade and money can be made and it's also fun and oh my thank you!" she cried sprinting away. Samantha was left standing there with her mouth slightly open and her brows furrowing together. 

"Uhh you're welcome?" she muttered returning back to her gardening. 

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